US Dollar to Ghanaian Cedis Exchange Rate for Today 29th Dec. 2022
The US Dollar to Ghanaian Cedis Exchange Rate for Today 28th Dec. 2022 is out along with the open market rates from Banks, Forex Bureaus, and the Bank of Ghana (BoG) interbank rates.
The trend developing from Google shows appreciation of the dollar against the cedi. Per the Google rates, the dollar is now valued at GHS10.02 thus a GHS00.2 pesewas appreciation. Between 16th December when the dollar rate quoted by Google was GHS8.95 and today 29th December 2022, the dollar has appreciated in real value terms against the cedi by GHS1.07. Using the GHS8.95 as of 16th December as the base rate, the cedi has lost its gains by some 11.95% in 2 weeks.
The Mid-day on 28th December US Dollar to Ghanaian Cedis Exchange Rates quotes by banks and reported by Cedi Rates showed the cedi depreciated marginally.
US Exchange Rate as of Midday on 29th December 2022
Per the rates quoted for the dollar by Cedi Rates. Old rates are in [brackets] and new rates are bolded below
At the GCB, the Buy rate for the dollar was [9.00] and the sell rate was [GHS11.85]
At the Stanbic Bank, the Buy rate for the dollar was 8.50 and the sell rate was GHS10.50
At the ABSA, the Buy rate for the dollar was 8.70 and the sell rate was GHS10.80
At Fidelity Bank, the Buy rate for the dollar was [8.70] 9 and the sell rate was [GHS10.60] GHS11.80. The buy rate went up by GHS0.30P while the sell rate went up by GHS1.20
At the CalBank, the Buy rate for the dollar was [8.25] GHS9.9 and the sell rate was [GHS11.50] GHS11.96 The buy rate went up by GHS1.65 P while the sell rate went up by GHS0.46P
At the Binance P2P, the Buy rate for the dollar was [10.82] 11.34 and the sell rate was [GHS10.84] GHS11.35 The buy rate went up by GHS0.52 P while the sell rate went up by GHS0.51P
READ: US Dollar to Ghanaian Cedis Exchange Rate for Today 28th Dec. 2022
US Dollar to Ghanaian Cedis Exchange Rate for Today 29th Dec. 2022
Note that we shall keep updating this article as and when we have reliable information.