Yaw Dabo And Tony1 Give Inspirational Messages At A Graduation Ceremony

Yaw Dabo, renowned Ghanaian actor was the guest of honour during a graduation ceremony at Tony1 International School, where he blessed the kids with motivational and educative messages, together with the school owner, Tony1.
The school held their 2nd Graduation Ceremony on Thursday, September 21, 2023 at the school premises in Pakyi No. 2 in the Ashanti Region. The renowned Ghanaian gold trader, business mogul and school proprietor, Yaya Sule, popularly known as Tony1 who is known for his business in Ghanian gold trade among several ventures was present at the occasion.
Tony1 was joined by famous acclaimed actor as well as Ghana Football enthusiast Yaw Dabo. The occasion was graced with their presence as well as their touching speech later in the ceremony.
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The school proprietor began his address showing appreciation to Pupils, Teachers, and Parents for their contribution to the early success of the school. He stated his vision for establishing the school by emphasizing the fact that money is not the source of happiness and accomplishment. However, it is the impact one makes in people’s lives that brings happiness and accomplishment.
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He went ahead to admonish parent to give their children the opportunity to acquire the best education possible and always make sure their wards come to school punctually. He also gave a special prize to the most punctual student in the school.

Yaw Dabo climaxed the ceremony with a beautiful and charismatic speech. He also urged parents and guardians to bring their children to school and avoid any form of truancy. He also encouraged parents to be responsible by investing in the education of their wards for a better future rather than materialistic objects with no benefits. He also asked parents who could help other kids through school to do so in order to receive God’s Blessings.
Yaw Dabo also highlighted the initiatives established by the school to grant scholarship to the needy and poor pupils. He then encouraged parents to bring their wards to school no matter their financial background as the scholarship will cover them.
He asked parents who have been with the school since it was established to continue and assured them that if the school is completed, the fees of their wards will be halved.
He ended his speech by acknowledging efforts by pupils and parents at the ceremony.
The joyous occasion continued with awards and prizes going to teachers and pupils for their hard work throughout the academic year.