5 Countries With The Most Natural Resources In The World

Every country has its power source and how it enriches itself. Some are rich in Gold, others in oil and other resources. This write-up touches on countries with the most resources. Below are 5 countries with the most natural resources in the World.
5 Countries With The Most Natural Resources In The World
Russia has the biggest share of natural resources in the world. It wraps most of the coal, timber and gold reservoirs because of it’s large size. The second biggest deposit of coal is found in Russia and also it contains the third biggest gold reservoir in the world. It also has the second largest deposit of earthly minerals in the world. The entire amount of natural resources found in Russia can be worth $75.5 trillion.
The total amount of natural resources in the United States can be approximately $45 trillion. 31.2% of the earth’s coal reservoirs are under the grounds of US. 89% of the country’s resources are made up of Timber and Coal. The US is rich in reserves of gold, copper and natural gas. Having 750 million acres of land covered with forests accounting to produce the huge amount of timber, the United States is the second richest in natural resources.
It has natural resources and their reserves that are worth up to $34.4 trillion. Arab lands account for almost 20% of oil in the whole world. Hydrocarbons including oil and gases are the top power sources in the country.
$33.2 trillion is how much Canada’s natural resources can be worth. The oil sands deposits have led Canada to by the fourth in this list. The current statistics show that the country has 178.1 billion of barrels which is 17.8% of the global reserves of oils. Canada also has massive reserves of phosphate. It also has the largest deposits of Uranium and has third largest production rate of timber.
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Iran shares the richest gas field reserves with Qatar. Accordingly, the total amount of natural resources can be estimated $27.3 trillion. 16% of the world’s natural gas deposits come from the country.136.2 billion barrels of reserves are now present in the country, more than the 10% of the oil in the world.