A letter to all Nurses: Are you part of the problem or solution?

A letter to all Nurses: Are you part of the problem or solution?
The 3 PPP !!!!!!!!!
Colleagues of the noble profession.
I would humbly like to share my thought concerning the struggle of nurses and Unemployed Nurses in the country.
We thank God today GRNMA’s new Leadership is up and doing, working so hard to ensure young graduates are employed and nurses gain better condition of services, Congratulations Mrs. Perpetual Ofori-Ampofo and may God help her administration.
But of late, Nurses Association was formed in Ghana in the year 1960, till now nurses have been having issues with postings, salaries, arrears, etc.
What has been the cause of all this? “Power, Position and Politics”
How many leaders in Africa and beyond have died in their cause to make the world a better place.
Day in the out we have different nursing groups been formed all in the course to fight and make the profession a noble and better one as such but to no avail. Do you know why? “Power Position and Politics”
When was the last time any of our past and immediate seniors stood by our side to help us fight our battle to be employed?
No. Do you know why “Power Position and Politics”
Health experts, associations, and representatives who are considered in decision-making for the betterment of the health sector are politically influenced.
Do you know why “Power, Position and Politics”?
I could go on and on but would like to humbly end here.
But my final words are these;
READ: Too much water can kill you! – Health expert’s warning
Until our cries, affliction and grievances would be heard and solved unless these three PPPs are dealt with and make leaders accountable to the society because we make the government.
A concerned Unemployed Nurse.
Thank you.