‘Apor’ In Aki-Ola Every Candidates Must Know To Get A1 In Core Maths
Aki Ola Mathematics has the best questions to try and get an A1 in the 2023 WASSCE core mathematics questions.
This article serves as a candidate’s guide to the secretive process used by WAEC to determine basic mathematics. Please, candidates, spread the word about this article to your family and friends so they can also benefit and obliterate the WASSCE 2020 maths paper.
View my “secret” on mathematics, which I believe all candidates should watch and consider seriously if they want to significantly outperform the competition in core mathematics.
Purchase a book from the Aki-Ola series. At the back of the book, there are 500 objective questions and answers. Solve and master each of the 500 questions, and you won’t regret knowing this secret.
Nearly twenty (20) objective problems from the last year’s mathematics examinations dropped, therefore acquire the book and use my tip to ace your math exams.
Second, there are 113 theory questions with solutions in the same Aki-Ola book.
The answers are given simply and without any steps, so memorize and thoroughly understand each question.
If you do this, I can tell you that this year’s WASSCE core mathematics will feel like homework to you.
“Any other APO is bogus; this is the true APO”.
Think of mathematics as a subject that is useful. Because they are unaware that mathematics is a practical topic and requires constant practice, many students struggle in exams.
Have the mindset that math is a practical subject rather than a reading-intensive one as a student; this will enhance or boost your exam performance.
Have a positive attitude toward math. Students who believe incorrectly that mathematics is a difficult subject consistently perform poorly on exams.
Develop a beautiful attitude toward mathematics, and perform awesomely and overwhelmingly well in exams.
Decide on an appropriate time to learn math. Studying math within designated times, such as the early morning, late afternoon, or early evening, can also help you get better at it.
The environment at the moment is cool and can encourage you to study more or inspire an easy flow of information, which can help you perform better at math.
Create a great environment for learning. Keep in mind that more than any other subject, mathematics takes concentration.
When tackling complex equations like quadratic equations or problems in geometry, circle theorem, or trigonometry, a decent study environment and a distraction-free location may make all the difference.
Having music playing as you study might help you relax and promote learning.
A setting that encourages maximum focus can benefit from having appropriate background music.
You may become a math pro by following these instructions.
READ ALSO: How To Score An ‘A’ In 2023 WASSCE Mathematics And English Language