BECE 2021 results:184 results canceled, 148 withheld, 24 schools Wahala
WAEC cancels results of 184 candidates, withholds 148 results while scripts of candidates from 24 schools in certain subjects are undergoing scrutiny.
This was contained in its press release announcing the release of 2021 BECE results on Friday 28th February 2021.
BECE 2021 results:184 results cancelled, 148 withheld, 24 schools Wahala
According to the press release, the decisions taken relate to EXAMINATION MALPRACTICES detected by the examining body. It indicated that…
“Following the conduct of investigations into cases of examination malpractice detected during the conduct of the examination, the 32nd Meeting of the Final Awards and Examiners’ Appointment Committee for the BECE held on 22nd February 2022, approved:
- Cancellation of the Subject Results of 138 candidates for the offence of either bringing in foreign materials into the examination hall or colluding with other candidates;
- Cancellation of the Entire Results of 46 candidates for the offence of either sending mobile phones into the examination hall or impersonation;
- Withholding of the Subject Results of 148 candidates and the Entire Results of 109 candidates pending conclusion of investigations into various cases of alleged examination malpractice.
Meanwhile, the scripts of candidates from 24 schools in certain subjects are undergoing scrutiny.
The faith of candidates will be determined after WAEC has satisfied itself through its independent examination.
READ: WAEC releases 2021 BECE results, Check and print results now
If the results of affected candidates are not released before the release of the 2021 School placements, the candidate may not be enrolled in any secondary school of their choice.
The reexamining and investigation of matters before WAEC [Examination malpractices] will lead to the delay of the release of the results of affected candidates and schools.
WAEC did not disclose further details about the 24 schools captured and undergoing scrutiny.