Close to 200k of 2023 BECE graduates to do self-placement – MoE
All is set for the release of the 2023 school placements, and close to 200,000 2023 BECE graduates will do self-placement when the CSSPS graduates live, per the Ministry of Education. This means nearly 200,000 of 2023 BECE graduates passed the examination but did not get placed.
The self-placement module is a second window of opportunity given to BECE graduates who obtained a pass raw score but were not placed in any of their schools. In 2023, candidates were allowed to select up to 11 schools; almost 200,000 graduates who initially missed out on placement in 11 schools will have to choose one of the available schools on the CSSPS portal.
A candidate who obtains grade 9 in Maths and or integrated science would not have the chance to use the self-placement module.
Out of a total of 571,892 candidates who registered, 555,353 met the criteria for placement. Among them, 367,811 candidates have been automatically placed in one of their preferred choices.
Candidates who obtained grades from 25 to 48 are likely to do self-placement.
Candidates with results in the range of 25 to 48 are advised to check their results early and do self-placement just in case they are not placed. The more you delay in checking your placement, the fewer good schools will be left in the system, as other candidates will choose the best schools available in the database.
However, the remaining 187,542 qualified candidates will need to undergo self-placement as they did not match any of their initial choices. Do you know how to do self-placement on the 2023 BECE School Placement Portal (CSSPS)?
How to do self-placement in the CSSPS
If candidates are not matched with any of their choices from the automatic placement system, they will be redirected to the Self-Placement Portal.
READ- CSSPS: Over 300,000 students automatically placed into their preferred schools
From the portal, select a school by choosing the information.
- Region
- Residential preference (day or boarding): choose one.
- Programme of choice
- Click on Submit.
Print the form and visit the school to begin the admissions process.
Note: Schools selected on the Self-Placement Portal can be changed as many times as the candidate wishes on the portal until they enroll in a school.
READ: 2023 School Placement Portal Goes Live On Monday: MoE
We hope this post on how to do self-placement using the 2023 school placement system has been educational.
Will you be part of the close to 200k of 2023 BECE graduates who will do the self-placement? The answer will be known when you check your result.
Source: EducationBlog.Org