Deadline For 2023 Voters Registration Exercise

Jean Mensah
The Electoral Commission (EC) has announced the deadline for the 2023 Voters Registration Exercise. The 2023 voters’ registration exercise officially began on Tuesday, 12th September, 2023.
This registration is for persons who have just attained 18 years and for persons who are above 18 years but have no Voters ID Card.
The Deadline for the 2023 Voters Registration Exercise is Monday, 2nd May, 2023.
The 2023 Voters Registration Exercise will be conducted at all 268 district offices across the nation.
“The Electoral Commission wishes to inform the General Public that the 2023
Voters Registration Exercise begins on Tuesday, 12th September, 2023 and ends on Monday, 2nd October, 2023. The Registration takes place at all the 268 District Offices of the Electoral Commission.”
“Persons who have attained the age of 18 years since the last registration exercise
and those who for one reason or the other did not register in 2020, should visit the District Office where they reside with either their Ghana Card or their Ghana Passport”.
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The Electoral Commission added that persons who do not have Ghana Card or a valid passport should present two persons who have voters register to guarantee for the.
“Eligible applicants who do not possess any of the identification documents listed above are required to present two (2) persons who are already registered voters to guarantee their registration.”
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“The General Public is informed that it is a criminal offense for non-Ghanaians
(foreigners) and persons who are not 18 years and above (minors) to attempt to
register. Offenders and those who guarantee for them will be liable for Prosecution. Additionally, guarantors who guarantee for more than the legally mandated number of ten (10) persons will be prosecuted. The electoral commission encourages all eligible applicants to register and vote. In the upcoming district level elections. We urge the general public to support the 2023 voters registration exercise” the Electoral Commission posted.