Headmistress turns down JHS student’s LOVE PROPOSAL, gets assaulted (Flashback)

Headmistress turns down JHS student's LOVE PROPOSAL, gets assaulted
Two JHS students are in the grip of the Ghana police for assaulting their Headmistress after she had turned down a love proposal from one of the pupils.
Student-teacher relations that go beyond the rules and ethics of the teaching profession in Ghana have continued to serve as check on the kind of relationships that teachers can have with their learners.
The teacher’s professional code of conduct does not mince words on this either.
JHS student proposes to headmistress: Facts
According to information reaching Ghanaeducation.org, the male student proposed love to his headmistress but had his hopes was dashed after the mistress turned down the proposal. The student, in the company of another ganged-up wand, assaulted the mistress.
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The two pupils who attend Rev. Cobbah Yalley Junior High School, located at New-Site, a suburb in the Effia-Kwesimintsim of the Western Region, were later picked up by the Western Regional Police Command.
The rather sad event was disclosed by Mr. Kojo Acquah during the assembly’s second ordinary meeting of the second session of the Municipal Chief Executive for Effia-Kwesiminstim Municipal Assembly (EKMA).
He added that investigations have commenced and that the attack was carried out after the headmistress turned down a love proposal from one of the pupils.
The two JHS students are assisting the police in their investigation; however, reports from the police indicate the said students were under the influence of illicit drugs.
Mr. Kojo Acquah called on parents to be more responsible. He was, however, worried about the current increase in drug usage among school-going children and the youth in the municipality.
Some educators have reacted to the “JHS student proposes to headmistress” news and are of the view that it sums up the level of indiscipline among students.
Image by Susan Cipriano from Pixabay