Purchasing items these days are a little difficult because of the high risk of purchasing fake items, this article shows you how to check if your phone is original or fake.
Many people also purchase goods online most especially electrical gadgets due to this the risk of purchasing fake items are relatively high. The IMEI number is one key thing to identify if your item is fake or not’
The International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number is a string of 15 digits that is used to identify a particular piece of mobile equipment. IMEI stands for the International Mobile Equipment Identity. You will be able to determine whether or not a phone is real if you inspect it for the characteristics described above in this paragraph. Fake phone makers make their goods seem as legitimate as possible by copying every part of the appearance of officially branded phones. This gives the impression that the fake items are the real thing.
How To Check If Your Phone Is Original Or Fake
The following are the steps that need to be followed in order to resolve the issue:
1. To get your IMEI number, go to the dial pad on your phone and enter *#06#. This will display your IMEI number.
2. Once you have located the IMEI number, open your web browser and go to the website IMEI.info and input it into the check box located on that page.
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3. You will see all details about the device if it is original.