How to use to check university admissions chances
How does for university admissions chances work?
Admissions Checker uses courses offered at high school and grades obtained at WASSCE examinations to check university admissions eligibility. Whereas the admissions checker engine is supported by robust algorithms to offer a comprehensive assessment of eligibility at all the universities on the platform, it is important to note that your opportunity to gain admission at a university is based on a number of factors, of which your courses offered at high school and grades obtained at WASSCE examinations are a part. This means other factors may influence your opportunity to be admitted even if your Admissions Checker results are very high.
Admissions Checker is an online platform where users input academic records. These records include courses offered at high school and grades obtained at WASSCE to check their university admissions. Based on this information, students can make realistic choices in their university admissions applications. This information is then processed against the algorithms set in Admissions Checker, which then generates a report or scores indicating admission opportunities in percentage terms.
The current algorithms only support undergraduate admissions. It is part of our future development to include graduate level admissions. The assessment scores are presented as a percentage chance of getting admission at different institutions and courses. It is already stated that the scores must be treated as part of the total considerations by the universities in their admissions.
How much does it cost?
There are three packages in Admissions Checker. The first is GHS5.00, which gives you the opportunity to check three universities and three courses; GHS7.00 for three universities and six courses; and GHS9.00 for three universities and nine courses. There are no registration fees. Admissions Checker only provides you the opportunity to assess your chances of gaining admissions. It offers you clarity to make realistic choices in your university applications.
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The assessment provided by Admissions Checker is ONLY a guide to help you make realistic choices in your university applications. It is not an admission from the universities present on the platform, nor is it a surety of gaining admissions even when your scores from the checker are very high. As already explained above in the introduction, it is important to note that your opportunity to gain admission at a university is based on an order of factors, of which your courses offered at high school and grades obtained at WASSCE examinations are a part. Admissions Checker algorithms are based on public data from the universities.
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The information required typically includes your courses offered at high school, grades obtained from the WASSCE examinations, and demographic information.
Use to check university admissions chances for SHS1-SHS3 students and WASSCE graduates.