I Got 4A’s And 4B’s After Learning These Top Secrets Two Nights To My BECE | MUST READ

Top Secrets To Blow 2023 BECE In All Subjects
The 2023 BECE starts on Monday 7th August 2023 to Friday 11th August 2023. Here are some top secrets to help BECE candidates blow their examination this Monday.
It is ‘totally’ normal to be afraid of an examination. The fear, trauma, anxiety and stress you are going through, we all have gone through before. As I am sitting behind this laptop typing and sharing my experience with you and some top secrets I used to pass my BECE years ago, I also have an examination to write tomorrow!.
For the love we have and the passion to help, do well to read to the end in order to know these top secrets to blow your 2023 BECE.
I Am Scared, I Don’t Know What To Learn
It is totally fine to be scared, in fact, it is right to be scared before than to be scared during. Keep your cool. Do you remember the last examination you took in your school before preparing for this BECE? Well, my dear candidates it is the same format and the same thing you are going to see, nothing new from anywhere.
Questions are set within the syllabus and are very easy to score all the full marks if you continue to stay with me as I take you through this top secrets.
I was also scared when I was about to write my BECE, do you know what I did? honestly, I slept when I felt scared and worried about the examination.
It was tough to learn all these subjects and be able to account for it on the paper. The thought of failing to pass scared me more than the thought of being scared of the paper. It was exactly two nights to the start of my English paper and what I can really do confidently was to answer Comprehension questions (another word which suits the given words). The thought of being seen as a failure scared me and these thoughts encouraged me and I got to know these top secrets that helped me bagged 4A’s and 4B’s in my BECE years ago just two nights to the examination.
I got to pass my BECE with these top secrets below and prayer!;
1. Don’t ‘Chew And Pour’ Past Questions And Answers
In the quest of passing my BECE, this is the top secret I applied. I did not ‘chew and pour’ any past questions and answers! I began to learn and revise my books according to the objectives of the topics.
Each topic has an objective that each student who reads or learns should know if and only if they complete reading the topic. I learnt pertaining these objectives.
So, the first top secret to do is to LEARN PERTAINING THE OBJECTIVES!
2. Ask Questions Whiles Reading/Learning
A boy with just two nights to write a national examination with other top schools and brilliant students why will I ask my self questions when there is no time left? There is so much time left in a day if you use it wisely! Ask yourself questions whiles you read.
Use your time very well because it is an asset that helped me secure these 4A’s and 4B’s with two nights of learning to my BECE.
I have stated two top secrets in this particular point; ASK YOUR SELF QUESTIONS and USE YOUR TIME WISELY!
3. What Am I using trial questions for?
This is one thing that bossed my mind, placed me in a state of dilemma, whether to follow the crowd in search of ‘APOR’! that never existed or solve the trial questions I got from teachers and colleagues in different schools.
Frankly, there is nothing like ‘APOR’. ‘APOR’ is mainly the end of semester, and, mock questions you wrote that you didn’t revise or learn the questions and solve them, those are the ‘APOR’. The trial questions that you don’t solve in class with your teachers, your colleagues those are the ‘APOR’!
I took advantage of this idea and solved all my past examination questions from JHS 1 to JHS 3 and all my Mock questions as well. Surprisingly, they were the same questions that dropped in my BECE with different English requiring the same answers! You think it’s a coincidence? NO, it is not! It works like magic!
So my dear candidates, my penultimate top secret to you is that you SOLVE ALL TRIAL QUESTIONS at hand and seek for help if you are lacking in some areas.
4. Prayer Works!
My dear candidates, pray OKAY! Just pray to God. We may not be HIS best but let HIM be our FIRST! in everything you do.
As I bring this context to conclusion, It is my prayer that you heed to these secrets. I wish all of you the very best of luck!
READ ALSO: 3 Days To 2023 BECE; Check Out The Basic Rules And Sitting Arrangements