If you are in your period never do these six things
The most important details in this text are that if you are in your period never do these six things. These things are scientifically backed and should not be done.
Here’s a list of things that you should refrain from doing when you’re on your period.
If you are in your period never do these six things
1. Don’t Pig Out on Salty Snacks
Salty foods can worsen period cramps, especially during shark week when there is a lot of water retention and bloating. Eating salty foods will only aggravate this bloating and worsen the cramps. This is why some people have ended up with terrible cramps after eating a bowl of fries.
2. Don’t eat or drink dairy
Dairy is not a good choice when Aunt Flo visits, as it can make you feel gassy and irritable. This has nothing to do with your tolerance to dairy products but rather with your hormones. If you wish to avoid experiencing irritable bowel syndrome and cramping, say no to dairy.
3. Don’t Have Unprotected Intercourse
It is important to use protection during period intercourse, as blood is a great carrier for viruses and other bacteria. When on your period, the cervix is slightly dilated, and it is easier for viruses and bacteria to be transmitted from the cervix to the vajayjay and further to the pelvis. It is also important to note that unprotected sex is never a good idea, as it does not mean that you are not at risk of pregnancy. If you have irregular periods, your ovulation and bleeding could be happening at the same time.
4. Don’t Pull An All Nighter
We all love to sleep, but when our period takes over, our brain refuses to go into sleep mode. Pulling all-nighters and getting inadequate sleep can increase the stress hormone, cortisol, in the body, making your period a bad experience.
5. Don’t Indulge in Caffeine
Coffee is a great way to start the day, but when Aunt Flo is in town, it should be kept away from you. Caffeine can increase cramps and make you feel irritated.
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6. Don’t Get Yourself Waxed
Waxing is a painful experience when on your period, as the pain receptors are extra sensitive, and even a tiny pinch can make you want to scream out loud. Don’t even think about bikini waxing at this point.