Introduction And Understanding Of Corporal And Humiliating Punishment In Africa Why We Should Say No To It.
Introduction And Understanding Of Corporal And Humiliating Punishment In Africa Why We Should Say No To It.
Corporal Punishment is one of the common measures that have been adopted by Teachers and other people as the best alternative to discipline a child. However, Corporal Punishment is doing more harm than good and there is a need we put a stop to it and embrace new measures to disciple a child who will feel comfortable in the school environment.
It is, therefore, no wonder that Ghana Education Service GES, introduced measures to eliminate corporal punishment in schools.
For us to understand the concept of Punishment, we will look at the definition of the word Corporal and its origination. We will also consider the definition of punishment before we tackle the main topic “Corporal Punishment”.
Corporal comes from the Latin word ‘Corpus’ and which means ‘Body’.
Punishment is the penalty inflicted on an individual for an offense committed.
Therefore, Corporal punishment is any type of punishment that inflict pain on the body.
Corporal Punishment also involves physical force used against a child.
Note: Not only teachers administer corporal punishment, but also prefects in schools and other personnel in schools. Parents are also the agent who administers corporal punishment to the child at home.
*Common Forms of Corporal Punishment*.
These are various activities that constitute Corporal Punishment.
1. Scarring a child either by voice or facial expressions.
2. Kicking, Shaking or throwing a child.
3. Pinching or pulling the ear or hair of a child.
4. Forcing a child to take exercise physical exercise for a very long time; for example, Kneeling.
5. Hitting or slapping with the hand, bets, canes.
Note that: All the actions above are considered corporal punishment and a threat to the health and mental development of the child.
Other Forms Of Corporal Punishment.
Humiliating Punishment. Humiliation is one of the major forms of corporal punishment that teachers and parents do not pay attention to. Humiliating Punishment is a form of punishment for dishonoring and disgracing the child. It is mostly done in public places to shame the child or the individual.
Some teachers or adults consider humiliation as an acceptable way to discipline a child. But that is not true.
Research shows that children who suffer from humiliating punishment are often worse than those who suffer from the common forms of Corporal Punishment. This means that whenever you humiliate a child in public, the child’s interest in doing a particular thing such as reading, writing, and learning decreases.
Other research which was conducted over the years also shows that corporal punishment and humiliating punishment can negatively affect the child over a longer period. It can also affect the child not to be a responsible adult shortly.
Some attitudes or actions that constitute humiliating Punishment as part of corporal Punishment include:
– Verbal Abuse (insulting the child) and Name-calling
– Ridicule (teasing).
– a (Separating the child from his or her peers).
– Ignoring the child ( not paying attention to the child).
– Denying the child’s food.
*Note*: It is never advisable, acceptable, or permissible to withhold food from a child. Humiliating Punishment has equal consequences as Corporal punishment. We can therefore call the two together; that is Corporal and Humiliating Punishment.
Definition of Key Terms.
We shall look at the following words and their meaning relating to Corporal and Humiliating Punishment in Schools and at home. Some of these key terms are
1. Compliance.
2. Reform.
3. Punishment
4 Discipline.
– Compliance is defined as the actions of an individual by obeying a wish or a command. Therefore, we need compliant children who will do what they are told to do.
– Reform is about making changes in something and improving upon it. Therefore, reformed children behave well because it is the right thing to do.
– Punishment is the act of inflicting pain on an individual or a child as the consequence of an offense.
– Discipline is about training and guiding. We must therefore train and guide our children and students on things that are right and acceptable. We must train the guide them just like the way Jesus Christ trained and guided his twelve (12) disciples.
Note: We must not put fear in the children in other to do what we ask them to do. We must rather train them to be disciplined in other to for them to be reformed.
Why Some Teachers still use corporal Punishment In This 21st Century.
1. Some teachers think that the child will not be disciplined when you did not hit them either with the hand or the cane. But that is not true. We must train by using ourselves as a good example and other people in the school and communities for them to learn.
2. Some teachers think corporal Punishment is part of their culture therefore, they cannot stop. This is to say that, Corporal Punishment existed for a very long time and this is not the time to say it is not good for the child. Some teachers think that it is only white people that do not practice Corporal Punishment. This is false. We can model our children the way we want when we establish a good relationship with them.
3. Some adults and teachers think that Corporal Punishment is the only way to teach the child to do the right thing. But we can teach them to do the right thing when we always introduce the good aspects of what we want them to do without using Corporal Punishment.
4. The tit-for-tat syndrome. Some teachers do not want to say no to Corporal punishment because their teachers used Corporal Punishment on them when they are going to school; therefore, they will also use Corporal Punishment on their students to serve as a tit-for-tat
tit for tat. We are doing a great harm to ourselves as teachers and members of society when we adopt this tit-for-tat mentality.
– The use of the Bible. Some teachers and parents use the Bible to abuse their children and students. They normally adopt the Bible which states that “spare the rod and spoil the child”. Therefore, they use that Bible verse to practice Corporal punishment in their school. However, the Bible teaches us to teach our children the correct way and when they grow they will not run away from it. Therefore, we must train them and guide them to be disciplined and reform.
Why Corporal Punishment Should Not be used in our various schools.
Some teachers do not agree with the Ghana Education Service (GES) about why Corporal Punishment must not be encouraged in our various schools.
We shall look at various reasons why corporal punishment is not good to practice.
1. It leads to the physical abuse of the child. The child can suffer severe pain and injuries as a result of corporal punishment. Some body parts of the victim may be affected.
2. It affects the mental functioning of the child. Corporal punishment can go a long way to damage the brain of the child, most especially in cases where knocking on the child’s head is practiced. When this happens, it can affect the learning of the child and his or her performance in the classroom will begin to decrease from his or her previous performance.
3. It affects the social needs of the child. A child who constantly suffers abuse as a result of social punishment do not feel comfortable playing with their peers. They are always isolated from their friends because they are emotionally depressed. We must not forget that socialization is a key aspect of the development of a child
4. It always makes the child aggressive and timid. Corporal punishment does not pave way for children to bring out their initiatives for they fear that they will be punished. They keep everything to themselves which will affect them in the future.
We must say no to corporal and humiliating Punishment either in schools or at home. Corporal and humiliating punishment does more harm than good to ourselves and the children. It does great significant harm to our children.
Corporal Punishment can cause depression to victims, mental problems, or mental health and to some extent, suicidal tendencies can be recorded. Corporal and Humiliating Punishment can cut short the mutual and lovely relationship that exists between Children and their teachers or parents. It is very dangerous and we need to stop it. Corporal punishment can even lead to drug abuse as the child may be tempted to take tramadol and other illegal drugs to relieve the pain they are going through as a result of Corporal Punishment.
Note: Western World does not practice Corporal and Humiliating Punishment. But they are growing children who are disciplined and reformed. This is because they are training and guiding them on the right path.
We must know that some countries like Kenya, Togo, Benin, and countries, do not accept any form of Corporal and Humiliating Punishment. It is therefore on this note that the government of Ghana and Ghana Education Service (G.E.S) want all of us to say no to corporal punishment in schools and in our homes to help develop our children very well in other for them to be disciplined and reformed.
Corporal Punishment was introduced in Africa by the slave trade and Colonial masters. This was only to help them strengthen their harsh and difficult system against the local people who will seek freedom. It is meant to inflict pain on them and to make them quiet and do whatever they are told to do.
In the olden days, Husbands can beat their Wives without facing court. But this is not so in order days. The husband cannot beat the wife these days and go free without facing the law.
Let me ask you this question.
How will you feel as a wife or a husband when your partner abuses you at home? Would you be happy?
Let us be in the shoes of the children