Teacher Torturing – Poem

Take a deep breath, and enjoy this poem, a masterpiece titled Teacher Torturing
If the teacher were to punish,
Ears will be hungry to hear.
If the teacher were to taste a student’s paradise,
Tongues will be eager to unfold.
5 If the teacher were to do anything any other person could do,
Quills will gleefully weep on parchments
For the teacher has done it again.
But now,
It’s not so;
10 The teacher is not the victim—the accused,
He is the victim—the deceased,
The bruised,
The threatened.
And all that craw into ears are loud whispers.
15 Gory acts executed on the teacher
By the society he serves,
Even teens!
The future is in trouble.
The teacher teaches not
20 Barbarism, insolence, insensitivity nor the likes
Why then with them greet him?
Should the teacher always be the accused
For society to be concerned?
If so,
25 The future is safe not!
Safe, not the future is!
© Prince Litela Agbemedu (Probity~1)
Teacher Torturing – Poem
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