UDS Courses for SHS Business students

UDS Courses for SHS Business students: Explore the wide array of academic offerings available at the University of Development Studies (UDS) designed for high school Business students. UDS offers an extensive selection of courses encompassing fields such as finance and marketing, with the aim of providing students with the essential skills and knowledge essential for thriving in the realm of business.
Explore the exciting academic opportunities that await at UDS for SHS Business students.
UDS Courses for SHS Business students
Tamale Campus
- Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) in Basic Education
- Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) in Early Childhood Care and Education
- Bachelor of Education in Business Studies (BED Business Studies) with options in Accounting and Business Management
- B.Ed. Social Science
- B. Ed Mathematics
- B. Ed Information, Communication and Technology (ICT)
- Diploma In Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) Education
- Diploma in Business Administration
- BSc Accounting
- BSc Banking and Finance
- BSc Marketing
- BSc Human Resource Management
- BSc. Agriculture Technology
- Diploma in Family and Consumer Science
- Diploma Food Science and Technology
- BA Performing Arts
- Diploma in Aquaculture Technology and Fisheries Science
- BSc Mathematics
- BSc Statistics
- BSc. Economics
- BSc. Ecotourism and Hospitality Management
- BA Social Work
- BA Sociology
- BA Political Science
- BA History
- Diploma in Social Change Communication
- Diploma Agriculture Technology
- BSc. Agribusiness
- Diploma Agribusiness
- BSc Social Change Communication
- BA French
At least a credit pass (WASSCE: A1-C6; SSSCE: A-D) in three core and three electives’ subjects. The core subjects are English Language, Mathematics (Core) and Integrated Science / Social Studies.
The best six subjects’ aggregate scores (three core and three electives) must not exceed 36 and 24 for WASSCE and SSSCE, respectively.
Applicants with three credit passes in the area of specialization (elective subjects) and at least two passes (D7 or better) in English Language and Mathematics will be considered for the Diploma version of the program.
- BSc in Health Information Management
BPH. PUBLIC HEALTH (with options in Health Promotion, Environmental Health, and Occupational Health & Safety)
- Certificate In Early Childhood Education
Program Description: This is a comprehensive certificate sandwich course for Nursery Attendants who want to sharpen the skills in Early Childhood Education and people who may not meet the requirement for a degree or Diploma in Basic Education or Early Grade Education but still want to have a University Education.
The program will last for 2 sandwich sessions (July -August every academic year for 2 consecutive years)
Entry Requirements: A minimum of four passes (E8 or D7) in four WAEC examinable subjects including English and Mathematics.
- Diploma in Basic Education
Program Description: It is intended to provide the teeming number of pupil-teachers in private schools and Cert A holders in public schools the opportunity to access professional teacher education to become competent basic schoolteachers to deliver quality education in Ghanaian Basic Schools.
It offers candidates the flexibility to be working while pursuing their dream of obtaining a university qualification. The program duration is 3 sandwich sessions (July -August every academic year for 3 consecutive years)
Entry Requirements: A minimum of four passes (E8 or D7) in four WAEC examinable subjects including English and Mathematics.
- Diploma in Basic Education
Program Description: This program is intended to provide Senior High School graduates who narrowly miss the requirements for pursuing a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) program. This is to give them an opportunity to access direct university education to be trained as qualified and professional Basic Education teachers.
It aims at building capacities for meeting the on-going basic education reforms towards the provision of quality education in Ghanaian Basic Schools. This is a two-year program.
Entry Requirements: A minimum of 2 passes (E8 or D7) in English and Maths in addition to C6 or better in any three (3) elective subjects.
- Diploma In Early Childhood Care and Education (Regular)
Program Description: This program is intended to provide Senior High School graduates who narrowly miss the requirements for pursuing a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) program. This is to give them an opportunity to access direct university education to be trained as qualified and professional Early Childhood Education teachers.
It aims at building capacities for meeting the on-going basic education reforms towards the provision quality education in Ghanaian Basic Schools. This is a two-year program.
Entry Requirements: A minimum of 2 passes (E8 or D7) in English and Maths in addition to C6 or better in any three (3) elective subjects.
- Diploma in Basic Education
Program Description: It is intended to provide the teeming number of pupil-teachers in private schools and Cert A holders in public schools the opportunity to access professional teacher education to become competent basic schoolteachers to deliver quality education in Ghanaian Basic Schools.
It offers candidates the flexibility to be working while pursuing their dream of obtaining a university qualification. The program duration is 3 sandwich sessions (July -August every academic year for 3 consecutive years)
Entry Requirements: A minimum of 2 passes (E8 or D7) in English and Maths in addition to C6 or better in any three (3) elective subjects.
- Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education
Program Description: It is intended to provide the teeming number of pupil-teachers in private schools and Cert A holders in public schools the opportunity to access professional teacher education to become competent Early Childhood teachers to deliver quality preschool education in Ghanaian Nurseries and Kindergartens. It offers candidates the flexibility to be working while pursuing their dream of obtaining a university qualification. The program duration is 3 sandwich sessions (July -August every academic year for 3 consecutive years)
Entry Requirements: A minimum of 2 passes (E8 or D7) in English and Maths in addition to C6 or better in any three (3) elective subjects.
SO ABOVE ARE ALL THE UDS Courses available for SHS Business students.