Schedule For Wednesday’s NTC Papers(Day 1)
On Wednesday, 13th September, 2023, the the GTLE 2 will begin. This is a three-day examination. Let’s take a look at the schedule for Wednesday’s papers.
On Wednesday, 13th September, 2023, General knowledge Professional paper will be written. The paper will start at exactly 9:00am. Candidates need to be seated by 8:30am. The duration for the paper is 2 hours. The paper will end by 11:00am.
The General Professional Knowledgeable paper is in three parts. We have the Numeracy part, which is full of mathematics questions. We also have the Literacy part, which is about English Language. The last part is Essential Professional Skills which is about the teaching and curriculum facts.
READ ALSO: Structure Of 2023 Subject Based Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination.
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The National Teaching Council is mandated by Education Regulatory Bodies Act 2020 (ACT 1023) to regulate the teaching profession in Ghana. As part of the Council’s regulatory functions, it is mandated to conduct examinations for licensing of people who desire to teach.
The purpose of the Licensing Examination is to enable qualified teachers to acquire a professional licence and prepare teachers to meet the demands of the National Teachers’ Standards of possessing the minimum knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes necessary to deliver effectively in schools.
Five years after the introduction of GTLE, the Council is embarking on reform to introduce the Subject-Based Ghana
Teacher Licensure Examination (SBGTLE) this year. This is a response to the need to test both the content and professional knowledge of the prospective teachers.
This platform has provided likely questions to all subjects that will be written from Wednesday, 13th September to Friday, 15th September, 2023. You are advised to go through these likely questions and be abreast with the questions. NTC.will surely set questions around our likely questions.