UDS Courses for SHS Science students

Welcome to the University of Development Studies (UDS), where a world of possibilities awaits SHS Science students. In this blog post, we will delve into the comprehensive range of courses offered at UDS specifically designed to cater to the interests and aspirations of science-oriented students. Join us as we uncover the diverse academic programs available at UDS for SHS Science students.
All Courses available at University of Development Studies, UDS, for SHS Science students
- Admission to 6-Year Medicine (MBChB) Regular program
- 6-Year Doctor of Medical Laboratory Sciences (MLS.D)
- BSc. Nursing and BSc. Midwifery
- BSc. Health Information Management
- BPH. Public Health
- BSc. Health Education and Promotion
- BPH. PUBLIC HEALTH (with options in Health Promotion, Environmental Health, and Occupational Health & Safety)
- Diploma in Basic Education
- Basic Education Studies
- Certificate In Early Childhood Education
- Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education
- Diploma in Basic Education
- BSc community Nutrition Degree Program
- BSc Dietetics Degree Program
- BSc Medical Imaging Technology (MIT)
- Diploma In Early Childhood Care and Education (Regular)
- BA. Gender and Development Studies
- BA. Development Education studies
- Diploma In Development Education studies
- BSC. Land Administration
- Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) in Basic Education
- Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) in Early Childhood Care and Education
- Bachelor of Education in Business Studies (BED Business Studies) with options in Accounting and Business Management
- B.Ed. Social Science
- B. Ed Mathematics
- B. Ed Information, Communication and Technology (ICT)
- Diploma In Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) Education
- BA. Community Development Studies
- BSC. Planning
- BSC. Sustainable Development Studies
- Diploma in Business Administration
- BSc. Accounting
- BSc. Banking and Finance
- BSc. Marketing
- BSc. Human Resource Management
- Diploma in Business Administration
- BSc. Agriculture Technology
- Diploma Agriculture Technology
- BSc. Agribusiness
- Diploma in Agribusiness
- BSc Mechanical Engineering (Options in Thermo-Fluids & Energy Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Applied Mechanic Engineering, Design & Production Engineering)
- BSc. Family and Consumer Science
- Diploma in Family and Consumer Science
- BSc. Food Science and Technology
- BSc. Ecotourism and Hospitality Management
- Diploma in Natural Resource Management
- BA Social Work
- BA Sociology
- BA Political Science
- ·BA History
- Diploma Food Science and Technology
- BSc Natural Resources Management
- BSc. Environmental Management and Sustainability
- BSc. Forest Resource Conservation and Management
- BSc. Biodiversity Conservation
- BSc Aquaculture Technology and Fisheries Science
- BSc Biotechnology and Molecular Biology
- BSc. Microbiology
- BSc Biological Science
- BSc Biochemistry
- BSc. Chemical Science and Technology
- BSc. Computer Science
- BSc Agricultural Engineering (options in Food & Post Harvest Engineering, Soil & Water Conservation Engineering, Farm Power & Machinery Engineering, Irrigation & Drainage Engineering)
- BSc. Environmental Engineering
- BSc. Geological Engineering
- BSc. Veterinary Nursing
- BSc. Statistics
- BSc. Engineering Physics
- BSc. Economics
- Diploma in Basic Education (DBE)
- BSc. Accounting
- BSc. Finance
- BSc. Human Resource Management
- BSc. Marketing
- BSc. Natural Resources Management
- Diploma in Aquaculture Technology and Fisheries Science
- BSc. Mathematics
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