University of Ghana Random Accommodation Allocation | How To Apply As A Freshman
University of Ghana random accommodation allocation is scheduled to happen tomorrow. This is also an important part after gaining admission to the University.
In the past years, freshmen are provided with links via their SMS on the scheduled date and time for the accommodation portal, so they apply manually for their desired halls and rooms.
As at last year, 2023, continuing students were randomly placed in the UGEL halls after the’In-Out-Out-Out’ initiative was implemented.
The beginning of the academic year for continuing students, thus 3 months ago, on the 6th of October, 2023 more than 10,000 students were being considered for random allocation to less than 2,500 beds.
Not surprisingly, most students were not assigned a bed and had to look out for other options as well.
In order to be considered for the random bed allocation, you need to have settled at least 50% of your academic fees, and successfully registered your courses.
Also, you need to have accepted ‘YES’ on STS to finally confirm your interest in the random bed allocation.
Students who fails to do the above would not be considered for the random accommodation allocation.
Per the mails that were received, the institution stated that;
“Note that registration cannot be undertaken if at least 50% of the academic fees has not been paid. Please note that successful registration is a prerequisite for eligibility in the Random Bed Allocation process at the traditional Halls only. Please ensure that you opt for Random Bed Allocation during registration in order to considered. If you have already registered but did not opt for the Randomization Bed Allocation, login to your student’s account (sts) and opt for it”
Students are to note that the Random Bed Allocation will be done on Thursday 11th January 2024 at 12:00pm. It would be done virtually, and also links will be shared for students to watch live.
You are to note that this exercise has a less probability of securing you a bed on campus, hence, students are advised to look for other alternatives as well.
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