WASSCE & BECE exam to be cancelled: Ghanaians divided on new education policy

- The WASSCE & BECE exam to be cancelled portion of Ghana’s new education policy has got Ghanaians reacting.
- Ghanaians divided on the new education policy
- There are more questions than answers on Ghana’s new education policy brief which hit the internet a week ago.
Monitoring Social Media discussions and comments left on an earlier publication, Ghanaians have reacted to the new Education Policy brief, with many asking for the government to make the full document available for public scrutiny. Others have wondered if the views of the public and by extension that of stakeholders were considered in the drafting of the policy.
There are very important questions that the Ministry of Education must ponder before going ahead with the so-called University Entrance examination. This will help educate the public as well.
For some Ghanaians, the university entrance examination is not the problem, but the gargantuan and exorbitant entrance examination fees which will make it difficult for a lot of brilliant but needy students to write the exams remain the devil, the biggest scam this system is going to create.
“If the so-called new EDUCATION policy will earn us practical education, fine, but if it is just a continuation of the same useless talking type, then forget it. The BECE has outlived its usefulness and must be cancelled, every child must have access to high school irrespective of his or her academic strength. But WASSCE must be maintained, the university placement exams will bring more corruption into the system and the university administrators will use that to enrich themselves. Unless they want to adopt the US system, where you get a high school diploma from your school and those who want to go to tertiary write SAT or ACT.” Another comment left on a post read.
It certainly shows that Ghanaians are stuck in the middle of nowhere, and we all need a lot of education on this new policy, so we can be clear in our minds about where Ghana’s education is heading and what it means to the children and the youth of today.
One other brilliant suggestion made regarding how SHS students progress is to ensure students who opt for Vocational and Technical Programmes transit into technical universities and not the main universities for programmes related to the fields of study. “Should there be any change at all then I’ll rather prefer they be replaced the examination with the common entrance examination, the middle school-leaving certificate, and the Ordinary / Advanced level certificates. This will put to rest our educational reforms. Our technical and vocational schools could be expanded to accommodate especially the form four leavers who would want to learn some trade and distance themselves as much as possible from white colour jobs.”
However, Ghana Education News can confirm that the policy brief-making rounds were actually part of the new curriculum introduced in 2019. Some Ghanaians have called the public to read the entire policy before they attempt to condemn it. This is a good suggestion, however, the question on the minds of people is where to find the new education policy in full.
For others, who feel the education system is being controlled…” Our educational system is being manipulated and destroyed while we all sit aloof and watch. What is actually happening in this country? What of those who need the certificate to apply for jobs? Have we thought about how much it will cost these innocent children to write this exam? Those who are not able to pass this entrance, what’s going to be their faith? Will they be given another chance, or they will just have to go home and sit down? Sometimes the people at the ministry of education and stakeholders make me doubt their thinking abilities when it comes to certain issues.”
WASSCE & BECE exam to be cancelled: Ghanaians react to new education policy with divided opinions. Let us take a look at some of the top issues raised for and against the policy.
What Ghanaians in favour of the new education policy are saying
What Ghanaians not in favour of the new education policy are saying
Those kicking against the new education policy which seeks to cancel the BECE and WASSCE and replace them with Placement Examination and University Entrance Examination are of the view that.
- Instead of the government changing the Caucasian preprogrammed mis-educational systems, the ministry is here deteriorating it and Ghana’s education sector leaders are not helping matters.
- ….. “in lieu of condemning” what? What does that even mean? I read the article – the whole of it (and even beyond) and I have reacted to it. The article talks about replacing or abolishing BECE and rebranding the WASSCE (whatever it is) etc. My view is that don’t just shift, change and abolish things without stating clearly the rationale for such dramatic decisions. As a citizen whose children/grandchildren are likely to be impacted by bad decisions, I have every right to wade into the debate.
- It’s “n*****nse”, how many people make it to the university or training colleges after the WASSCE, so after SHS no certificate is to be awarded, and we know the basic requirements for recruitment into some Ghana services like the police, migration, fire service & is WASSCE certificate.
- Moreover, the bribery scandals that will take over this examination cannot be talked about in the country…
- This is what they do without broad consultation. I have always posited that Health and Education must never be allowed to be politically managed. So which certificate will Ghanaians who are trying to study abroad present for admission? Maybe the Ghana card will help in gaining admission.
- Ghanaians must speak out to protect our educational system. Ghanaians should not allow people who are interested in showing power, display pride and arrogance and who are not educationists to destroy GH. The earlier GH speaks the better for the country.
- People with brilliant ideas but so poor in implementation. One thing we know for sure is that this government has messed up everything they’ve touched, and this won’t be an exception!!
- I don’t think these people want to limit all Ghanaian children’s access to continuing their territory education outside the country. What documents would they submit to show that they qualify and are capable of undertaking the courses they apply for? Our education system is already bad, I don’t think we want to now destroy everything left. Why have leadership refused to think or engage the right people for council?