What “Placed on Hold” NSS 2021 applicants must do -NSS

In a Thursday 7 pm news telecasted by GTV, the Management of the National Service disclosed that it has in its database unposted and disqualified 2021 NSS applicants whose postings were on hold.
According to the leadership, some applicants were not posted but placed on hold due to the uploading of unclear passport pictures. The management furthered that applicants who uploaded clear pictures but the image could not be synchronized with their uploaded national ID, were not posted as well.
Also, those who made available inaccurate information while registering were also placed on hold.
The NSS is putting in place the necessary check to ensure they deal with issues of stolen identity and forgery.
It added that there were applicants in the above categories who made mistakes during the registration that has caused their postings to be put on hold.
READ: How to Print 2021/2022 NSS Postings Appointment Letter
2021-2022 NSS applicants who have their postings status indicating On Hold are to visit and of the regional offices of the National Service Secretariat with a copy of the enrollment form, a national ID, and two clear passport pictures for the necessary corrections to be effected for them.
READ:How to process 2021/2022 NSS posting after printing Appointment letter
The process will ensure such applicants are cleared for posting.
The process will take about 14 days according to the NSS.
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Applicants in this category are to check their status regularly after growing through the verification and correction of their details for the posting.