You Will Pay For What You Did- Education Minister To Students Of Krobea Asante SHS

The Education Minister, Dr Yaw Osei Adutwum, as part of his tour to all the schools in Ashanti Region, paid a visit to Krobea Asante Technical/Vocational Institute. Addressing the students, Yaw Osei Adutwum reacted to the Vandalism issue that reared its ugly head in the school in the early part of the year. It will be recalled that the students of Krobea Asante SHTS went on a rampage on Sunday morning, protesting the poor results of their predecessors in their final examination. This led to the arrest of close to 50 of the students.
The Education Minister expressed utter disappointment in the students for engaging in such an act. According to him, the students could have gotten the attention they wanted by using creative means rather than the means they resorted to.
“In this era of social media, you can get the attention you want if you are creative. Every radio station and television station has my contact information. If you want to be heard, there is a way for you to get heard, and not through violence and not through the destruction of the reputation of your institution.
You Will Pay For What You Did- Education Minister To Students Of Krobea Asante SHS
He went ahead to explain that based on what the students had done, gaining job opportunities will be very difficult in the near future because of the bad reputation these students had created for the school. He stated emphatically to the students that they will pay a price for what they did.
“If any company is looking for people to have( or to work for them) and you walk into the office for an interview and you tell them I went to Krobea and somebody says I went to KTI if you have the same level of expertise, the company will say I don’t want trouble, Krobea, no. So everything you do here has some negative ramifications for you and if it is positive, it also has positive ramifications. So be very careful, I want to put out there for you to know that I was not happy at all. But I know it was not every one of you who did it. I know that the vast majority of you did not want to see that happen at your school. So the few who did it obviously will pay a price for it”, he explained.
ALSO READ: Krobea Asante Technical And Vocational School Closed Indefinitely