12 Standard Online Teacher Promotion Exam Quizzes For Practice

The Ghana Education Service (GES) will release the index numbers for the Feb 2023 Teacher Promotion Exams. Teachers preparing for the exam are encouraged to take our 12 Standard Online Teacher Promotion Exam Quizzes. To get the best out of these quizzes, take the text on a desktop or a laptop.
These questions will help all teachers preparing for the promotion examination to prepare very well.
Passing the Teacher Promotion Exam demands good preparation and constant practice with likely examination questions. Challenge your self as you take these Teacher Promotion exams online.
Do well to Take the following Teachers Promotion Exams/test online and check your scores in 10 seconds.
In all, there are 12 quizzes. We encourage teachers preparing for the promotion examination to take all 12 tests.
Do well to carefully read the question before you make a choice from the alternative answers provided for each question.
Standard Online Promotion Exam Quizzes For Teachers
Below are the tests. click on each link to go to the question questions.
After answering each question, proceed to the next one until you answer all the questions in each set.
GES Teachers Promotion Exams Quiz 12 (Tough Set 2)
GES Teachers Promotion Exams Quiz 11 (Tough Set 1)
GES Teachers Promotion Exams Quiz 10 (General Knowledge of Education)
GES Promotion Interview: Questions And Answers – Set 4
GES Teachers Promotion Exams Quiz 9 (General Knowledge of Education)
GES Teachers Promotional Exams Quiz 8
Standard Online Promotion Exam Quizzes For Teachers
GES Teachers Promotion Exams Quiz 7
GES Teachers Promotion Exams Quiz 6 (True/False)
GES Teachers Promotion Exams Quiz 5
GES Teachers Promotional Exams Quiz 4
GES Teachers Promotional Exams Quiz 3
GES Teachers Promotional Exams Quiz 2
GES Teachers Promotional Exams Quiz 1
We hope this will help you prepare for the upcoming Teacher Promotion Exams. Do well to solve Standard Online Promotion Exam Quizzes For Teachers.
Good luck and all the best with each of these mock examinations.