COMMON CORE PROGRAMME Scheme of work – JHS1; JHS2 and JHS3: Download Now

JHS First Semester Scheme of Work for JHS1 CCP, JHS2 & JHS3 Download Now!!!!
The scheme of work for JHS1 COMMON CORE PROGRAMME is now available. Download 2021 Academic Year Scheme of Work: CCP JHS1, JHS2, and JHS3.
The scheme of works for Junior High School 1,2 and 3 (Basic 7,8, and 9) are the works of 21ST CENTURY EXAMS CONSULT.
Even though this well-prepared scheme of work is free, we would appreciate if schools that use this recommend and subscribe to our end of term exams. The scheme providers 21ST CENTURY EXAMS CONSULT added.
21ST CENTURY EXAMS CONSULT offers excellent End of Term Examination and will do the same for the schemes provided at the end of the semester.
2021 JHS2 First Semester Scheme of Work for the first semester for JHS1 is based on the Common Core Programme Curriculum by NaCCA
2021 Scheme of work for JHS1 CCP
2021 JHS2 First Semester Scheme of Work for the first semester
2021 JHS3 First Semester Scheme of Work for the first semester
Finally, just in case you did not find what you needed, just chat with us.
We have uploaded more materials for the new school year as well.
Source of 2021 JHS First Semester Scheme of Work is 21ST CENTURY EXAMS CONSULT.
Where can i please get computing textbook for b7 to buy ?
We will update you as soon as we have this information.
Please what’s the name of the theme you using? Very nice
Chat us on Whatsapp…for this consultancy service. Thanks
Any update on computing textbooks pls?
We published the list of approved books for schools -KG1-BASIC 6
Please Hohoe East, precisely, Gbi-Kpeme High JHS needs French language text books. We will be very grateful if we get some help of supply. Thanks