2023 BECE Results: What Grade Do You Need for Each School Placement Category?

When the 2023 BECE results and placements are released, many students, parents, teachers, and schools will be disappointed. Get to know the Grade You Need for Each School Placement Category.
Remember that there are just four categories of schools. These are Categories A, B, C, and D, with schools being the oversubscribed and the most competitive.
The reality is that, although students chose 11 schools, there will still be students who will miss all 11 schools and may or may not be offered the chance to use the self-placement module.
2023 BECE Results: What Grade Do You Need for Each School Placement Category?
When a candidate is placed in a school, it is likely going to be based on the details provided below.
Usually, the following aggregate would merit the choices you may have but know that raw scores are also used to place students.
1. AGGREGATE 6-10 candidates
Such candidates would often merit their first choice, depending on your course/programme and the raw score of students.
For example, if your first choice is Accra Academy for boarding and to offer General Science and your BECE aggregate is 6 doesn’t guarantee your automatic placement, just that you have the upper hand because some other students with the same Aggregate of 6 may have better raw score than you. Now because of catchment area placement, someone can also get BECE aggregate 8 and be placed there because that’s the person’s catchment area. Not that they perform better than you, but that’s the person’s catchment area
2. Government schools are also given the upper hand than the private schools.
This means if a student in a village Government School obtained aggregate 8 and the same Private School student obtained the same Aggregate 8, with the two choosing the same school and the same course, the Government School Student would be placed first. A percentage quota, priority is given to the Government Schools over the Private Schools.
3. BECE aggregate 11-19 will be placed in second choice placement. There is a 30% quota for students who sat the BECE as public school candidates, hence their grades may be worse than those of a candidate who sat the same exam as a candidate from a private school, but the public school candidate will be considered for placement into category A schools when placement is done.
4. BECE aggregate 20-29 will be placed in third and fourth choice placement.
5. BECE aggregate 30-35 will be placed in fifth choice placement.
6. BECE aggregate 35 and above, self-placement.
7. Even though 35 and above are likely to have self-placement, a student with an aggregate of 6 can also do self-placement.
8. If you choose Accra Academy for Science, for instance, and your BECE aggregate is 15, you may not be placed. This is often because there are likely to be several science-preferred students who obtained better grades and raw scores than you and who chose the same school.
READ: When Will The School Placement Be Released? Fact Check
And if your second and other choices are not available for your course and grade, you’ll have to do self-placement.
Parents and students should keep the information shared in this post in mind.