2023 WASSCE Results To Be Released On This Date

The 2023 WASSCE results will soon be released. This article will tell you the date in which the 2023 WASSCE results will be released.
Currently, the 2023 WASSCE scripts have been marked. WAEC is currently entering the candidates’ results into the online portals. It is expected that the 2023 WASSCE results will be released in early December, 2023. The 2023 BECE on the other hand will be released this month.
READ ALSO: Reasons why GES cannot punish JHS1 and 2 students who wrote 2023 BECE
Ghanaeducation.org will be the first platform to give you the notice when the results are out. All you have to do is to wait and follow our articles.
Once the results are out, all you need is your results checker card. This card contains a serial number and a pin. This will help you check your results online. You can buy the result checker card using mobile money (momo).
How To Buy WASSCE Result Checkers Online With Momo
To buy the checker follow the steps below.
#1. Go to waec-results-checkers
#2. From the list of products, select WASSCE result checkers
#3. Choose the quantity you want to to buy eg. 1 or 2 under the How Many (- and+ ) button
#4. Click Add to bag
#5. Click Check Out
#6. Enter your name, email and phone number (Momo Number Only)
#7. Complete the payment with the code sent to your phone via text message
#8. You will be directed to our WhatsApp Chat
#9. Prove the email and phone number (Momo Number) use used to purchase
#10. We confirm and deliver the Result Checker via the same WhatsApp.
How to Check 2023 WASSCE Results
To check your WASSCE results online, follow the steps below but make sure you already have a valid WASSCE result check.
Step 1: Log onto the WAEC result portal for WASSCE candidates at eresults.waecgh.org
Step 2: On the port, the first detail you enter is your INDEX NUMBER
Step 3: Enter your INDEX NUMBER again in the second space to confirm it as accurate.
Step 4: Select your exam type, which should be WASSCE (School) if you were registered for the exam by a private or public school or Select WASSCE (Private) if you were not registered for the exam by a school.
Step 5: Select your exam year. For 2023 candidates, your exam year is 2023.
Step 6: Enter the SERIAL NUMBER on the result checker scratch card. (Check well to avoid mistakes)
Step 7: Enter the PIN NUMBER on the result checker scratch card. (Check well to avoid mistakes)
Step 7: Think the box [ ] before the “I am not a robot” ReCAPCHA
Step 8: Click Submit
Wait patiently for the result to load.
Once the result loads, you can print it or save it as a PDF file on your computer or mobile device.