5 Months To 2025 BECE: Students and Teachers Exam-Passing Tips
The 2025 BECE is slated for June, and this is just five months away since the exam will surely happen in week two of June. Every stakeholder must start learning or teaching candidates the right exam-passing tips to help students get very prepared for the exam.
What Are the Students and Teachers Exam-Passing Tips for 2025 BECE
Schools, in particular, need to answer the question of what teacher-motivating strategies they have instituted to empower and encourage educators to work extra hard to prepare candidates.
Teachers’ passion to see their students excel at BECE drives them, but we must not ignore their financial and non-financial motivations. To reward teachers for their hard work, schools must find smart ways to challenge them.
Imagine that, as a school owner or head teacher, you get the management and directors of your school to just reward each teacher preparing the BECE candidates with an extra GHS150.00 each of the next five months for their effort towards preparing your candidates.
You will indirectly be investing in hard work, dedication from your educators, and extra commitment to the school’s BECE 2025 target.
In the last five months of BECE, schools must not be interested in only tightening the supervision of teachers to drain them of all the energy and zeal they have for good results without compensating them in ways that will make these teachers feel super special and valued.
Teachers must start a question-and-answer revision.
With five months until the 2025 BECE, teachers must wrap up the teaching and learning of topics by the end of the second term. For schools and teachers that planned their Saturday classes. This should be the case. Once this is achieved, teachers must change their approach to teaching and revision to a new approach that uses questions and answers, topic by topic. This question-and-answer approach will ensure that students are able to match their knowledge to the kinds of questions they are likely to be assessed in the final examination. For instance, teachers can set several section B questions on topics studied and use the topics to revise with their students.
This is the time to start reinforcing questions and strongly answering skills as a teacher and school. While being strong in mastering the question-answering skills and applying them, the students must be guided to answer questions in a step-by-step manner. The more your students do this, the better they become at their question-answering approach. Introduce your students to different question types and keywords used in questions, and teach them how to approach such questions.
Use critical thinking questions.
Do not forget that the 2025 BECE is expected to be full of critical thinking and practical questions. You can direct questions to these types of questions and help your students know how to approach or answer them.
Teachers and their students work hand in hand to set subject-based targets. For instance, the science teacher can agree with his or her students individually as to what their worst grades should be. Once this is agreed upon, the two must work hard together as a team and as a class.
READ: Download 2024 BECE Mock 1 Questions On Ghanaeducation.org
Teach objective test-answering skills.
Very often, students who pass the BECE start showing signs of brilliance from the results they opt for in Section A, which is the objective test paper. Teachers and their students should master the act and skills of answering objective test questions. How to choose answers smartly, even if your knowledge is low on a given topic or question, can help you do better.
Teach and learn subjective test-answering skills.
Teachers and students should work towards improving how they write answers, the arrangement of facts as answers, and their poor handwriting. Even if a student has poor handwriting, careful writing of the answers can make all the difference.
Students must intensify their personal studies and work with their schedules. Such timetables will work well and help the candidates if they are created taking into account the subjects they have challenges with. Thus, allocate more time to subjects you are struggling with.
Get students extra support or help.
Parents, on the other hand, need to provide emotional support to their candidates and keep in touch with their teachers. If a student is struggling with subjects such as mathematics and integrated science, parents who can afford them should look for extra tuition teachers who will come in to polish and prepare the candidate for the examination. Extra support in the next 100 days can change the fortunes of a student and get him or her ready for the BECE.
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By implementing these student and teacher exam-passing tips in the last 5 months of the 2025 BECE, the results can be improved.