BECE Social Studies Questions & Answers for 2024-2025 Candidates

ECE Social Studies Questions & Answers for 2024-2025 Candidates.
Social Studies is one of the core subjects that BECE candidates are required to pass if they are to progress to the SHS. In this post, we share with you another set of BECE Social Studies Questions and Answers for Candidates. We encourage candidates to observe how the answers have been crafted, and do the same when they are answering SOCIAL STUDIES questions at the BECE level.
Ensure the answers you provide are always self-explanatory.
Sample 2024-2025 BECE Social Studies Questions and Answers for Candidates
65. What is acculturation or culture assimilation?
It is the practice whereby a society or country adopts the entire culture or an aspect of another society or country’s culture. For example, western marriage called wedding has been adopted by Ghana.
66. Identify four aspects of the Ghanaian culture which were adopted from the western culture.
i. Ghanaians have adopted foreign clothes and ways of dressing such as the wearing of suits, neck ties and mini skirt in place of cloth, kaba and slit.
ii. Languages such as French, English and Arabic are commonly spoken in Ghana today. English has become our official language while French is the second foreign language taught in most Ghanaian schools.
iii. The African traditional religion has been replaced by Christianity and Islam.
iv. We have also adopted all kinds of food such as fast foods and beverages of all kind whisky in place of local foods and drinks like Banku and Pito(locally brewed beer)
67. Outline four reasons why some societies develop faster than others.
i. The absorption of good aspects of cultural practices of other cultures promotes faster development while societies that fail to adopt these foreign cultures lack behind in terms of development.
ii. Societies that embrace education discover new and better ways of living leading to swift development just as those societies that do not embrace education end up with snail paced development.
iii. Visionary leaders bring about quick development since such individuals look into the future, identify problems and needs , plan and provide solutions but societies that do not have leaders with vision are bound to remain underdeveloped
68. Outline three reasons why some societies resist change in culture.
i. Some societies resist cultural change because the new culture or change is different from their present culture.
ii. The failure of a new culture to solve existing problems would lead to its rejection.
iii. If a new way of doing things creates more problems such as putting life at risk then the people would prefer their old way of doing things to the new one.
69. Mention five cultural changes that have been resisted and one reason for the resistance. / State five reasons why some cultural changes were resisted in Ghana
i. The change of Trokosi system was resisted because the people who practiced it were resistant to change and wanted to continue with their culture.
ii. People opposed the changing of tribal marks practice because they feared they would lose their members and identity.
iii. The changing of female genital mutilation since they feared its abolition would lead to pre-marital sex and its related problems such as teenage pregnancy.
iv. People resisted the changing of widowhood rites because they were ignorant of the numerous harm it was causing them.
v. The changing of the witches’ camp was resisted due to the fact that the change was not in line with their culture and the people feared the ancestor would punish them for not practicing their culture.
The second set of the BECE Social Studies Questions & Answers for 2024-2025 Candidates
70. What is parallel culture?
Parallel culture is the act of doing one thing in two different ways but with only one outcome.
71. Mention five examples of parallel cultures in Ghana.
i. The performance of traditional and Islamic or Christian naming rites or ceremonies.
ii. The performance of a traditional and Islamic or Christian marriage ceremony.
iii. The offering of traditional, Islamic and Christian prayers at state functions like the independent day and Workers day celebrations.
iv. The performance of Traditional and Islamic or Christian funeral rites or ceremonies during one funeral.
v. The wearing of traditional dress and western dresses to the same function. Example Ghanaians now wear long sleeve shirts and batakari to programmes and events.
72. State five merits of parallel culture.
i. Parallel culture helps provide better health care delivery through the combination of western and local or traditional herbal medicine.
ii. Parallel culture also helps promote national unity and integration by bringing all religions and ethnic groups together during national celebrations and anniversaries. This makes all the groups feel important and respected.
iii. The practising of all the recognized forms of religion in Ghana at the National level helps promote the right of worship or religion in Ghana.
iv. The practice of parallel culture in Ghana makes the various ethnic and religious groups see each other as friends, understand each other and live in peace.
v. It helps us learn the culture of others and enjoy the benefits of the diversity of our cultural and religious differences.
Now, let us look at the remaining Sample 2024 BECE Social Studies Questions and Answers for Candidates for this set.
73. State four demerits of parallel culture.
i. Parallel culture is expensive because the cause incurred is huge as a result of organizing the same event twice.
ii. Those involved in the practice can disagree over which of the two ways of doing the same thing should be done first and this can bring about conflict and its negative effects.
iii. The practice leads to waste of productive time as invited guests have to witness the two events instead of only one.
iv. People get frustrated and give up since they cannot bear the cost involved. For example young men who want to marry but can afford only one may not be able to complete the ceremony hence they may even give up.
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74. List Six outmoded practices you know.
i. Trokosi system / vestal virgins
ii. Tribal marks
iii. Cruel widowhood rites
iv. Witch camp
v. Female genital mutilation/ Female circumcision/ clitoridectomy
75. What is Trokosy system?
Trokosi system also known as vestal virgins is a socio-cultural practice in which virgin girls are sent to the shrines mostly against their will to atone for the sins or as repayment of debts owed by their relatives. During her stay in the shrine she becomes a slave to the priest of the shrine and finally becomes the wife of the priest, She walks barefooted and half naked and her right of movement and education are taken from her. This is mostly practiced in the Volta region in Ghana.
Sample 2024 BECE Social Studies Questions and Answers for Candidates
76. State five reasons why the Trokosy system or vestal virgins practice should be abolished.
i. It infringes on the fundamental rights of the girls who become captives, slaves and victims of sexual abuse.
ii. Girls sent to the shrine as “lambs for atonement” are denied their education and the development of their God given talents.
iii. Sexual abuse in the shrine by the priest can lead to the contracting of STD’s.
iv. The practice is a deliberately offensive act against women which reduces them two second-rated citizens.
v. The girls become a burden on society since she does not get the chance to acquire any employable skill.
vi. The act is humiliating and dehumanizing because of the ordeals the girls go through.
With these questions and answers provided, we look forward to candidates and teachers making the best out of them. Watch out for more Sample 2022 BECE Social Studies Questions and Answers for Candidates.
We have no doubt that these Excellent 2024 BECE Social Studies Questions and Answers for Candidates are good and will aid your preparation for the BECE.
Source: Ghana Education News