Buy Domain & Hosting: Build a $30 Websites in 30 Minutes
Ghana Education News Buy Domain & Hosting: Build a $30 Low-Cost Responsive Websites in 30 Minutes. Master the art of site design by learning how to buy a domain and a hosting plan.
This is a how-to blog post revealing, the secretes professional bloggers never share to help you build a $30 Low-Cost Responsive Websites in 30 Minutes like a pro.
Everyone including you the one reading this Do It Your Self-post can build a $30 low-cost responsive website in 30 minutes.
This website will not look like the work of a novice but rather an output of a professional website designer.
The four key elements you will need to build your first website are
1. No experience whatsoever.
2. Domain name with a .com or .net or .org and others.
3. A Free fully functional theme which we will suggest for you to download.
4. Hosting service which you will buy along with your domain however, after that will suggest a world-class Free cloud fair hosting.
5. Desire to acquire website building skills that you can turn into a business by replicating the processes you learn from the experts who started just like you but under worse circumstances with no information whatsoever.
You are very fortunate to be reading this so continue till the end to master how to build a website as a blogger and learn the things, professional website builders do.
After learning to build your website, we will guide you on how to develop content for your blog.
If you are one of those who believe bloggers are criminals, then you got it all wrong. Bloggers are intellectually smart persons who write their hearts out to the world and get people including you reading.
In the end, they get paid for sharing content on key subject matters of interest to many readers like you.
In this write-up on how to blog, the secretes professional bloggers never share, we will give you skills and a job by the time you finish reading this article.
The knowledge they say is power. Well, this was in the past. Today, knowledge is wealth, Knowledge is money and Knowledge is business. Every blog you visit today is a full business or a part-time business of the owner.
How much do bloggers make at all? Bloggers make not less than $100 a month. Do not think of the highest amount because there is nothing like maximum earnings.
You to can start making money from your skills, subjects, or interest if you can use the power of the internet, your knowledge in the field as well as the desire to research issues, write on them and share them with the world of readers.
Do you want to build a $30 Low-Cost Responsive Websites in 30 Minutes, then these are the things you need to start building a website and then start blogging or to build websites for business at a fee.
1. Think about the niche
In blogging the niche is a specific topic or issue you want to write or blog on. Some common niches are Education, Finance, News in general, Sports, Football, Politics, Insurance, Entertainment, Pets, Real estate, Relationship, and others. It is also possible to have a blog that combines some of these niches in which case you may have categories for all or some of the niches mentioned above.
For most teachers, education-related blogs will be easy to deal with. For those who love business, finance-related blogs are best whiles tech persons will go for technology-related blogs. So there are many niches to choose from but always go for the ones that
We now know a blog niche is a specific topic you’ll write (or create other types of content) about on your blog.
In making a choice ensure, your passion, skills, knowledge area, and the profitability of the niche drive the final decision you make. We will discuss the profitability of the blog soon.
2. Get a domain and a hosting plan
Everyone including you has a name and so, your website must have a domain which is its name.
Think of the name that will be easily positioned in your reader’s or visitor’s mind. The domain helps your website to be located on the world wide web. It is what gives you the needed URL.
We recommend that if you want to own a website, you buy a domain and avoid using free domains because such free domains do not give you better recognition or ranking on search engines.
There are several domain extensions to choose from. If you see a website such as the name “Yourdomain” is the domain name and the .com is the domain extension. Other domain extensions are .org, .net etc. Make sure the domain you choose relates to the niche you want to blog in.
A hosting plan is a service provided by a hosting company. The service allows your website to be visible live on the internet. You can have a domain but without a hosting service, your site will never be on the internet.
Buy Domain & Hosting: Build a $30 Websites in 30 Minutes -Part 2
There are several service providers from who you can buy a domain and a hosting plan. For persons seeking to blog in Ghana, we recommend [] for you. You can pay in cedis and with momo as well as receive support from them 24/7. To buy a domain and a hosting plan, go to []
When you visit the website, check the right top corner of the home page and you will find a human icon click on it to register with them as shown in the image below.
Let us continue with the Do It Your Self: Build a $30 Low-Cost Responsive Websites in 30 Minutes
The information you need to provide to register with Stormerhost is captured in the images attached below. Not that you can register using any of the four options available. Facebook, Gmail, Twitter or you fill in the attached forms.
When you provide all the details required, your account with the hosting company is created and opens automatically as shown below.
Buy Domain & Hosting: Build a $30 Websites in 30 Minutes: Buy a domain now
a. While logged into your account, click on Domains on the left panel of the home page.
b. Click on Register New Domain as shown in steps 1 and 2 below
c. Type the domain you want and click search.
When you click on search you will have feedback such as the one below. You will notice that the .com option is not available but the others are available. Click on the one you want you to proceed or if you need a .com extension then you have to keep trying other options till you get a good domain that matches your site or niche.
For instance, if you opt for a .org extension, the domain will cost you GHS80.00 a year to renew. From now, we will use the org domain for the next phase of the tutorial.
Now double click or click the domain you prefer twice to move to the next level of the domain buying process.
Click on hosting plan to buy a preferred hosting package from the options shown in the image below.
We recommend you start with the Basic Plan in red because, you get a free domain, 10 GB space and 10 emails among others. If you opt for Start, you will be cheating yourself.
Click on Use ( domain already in my shopping cart to progress)
This takes you to an the interface below which displays the features of the hosting service you are buying as well as the price you are to pay. Do not forget that, the domain is free becuase of the hosting plan you chose. Click continue to proceed with the purchase.
Depending on your budget, you can choose the three options available in addition to the domain you want to buy.
External DNS Hosting which can help speed up your website and improve availability with increased redundancy. Once you choose this, in a year’s time, you will be charged annually.