Do These Five Construction Questions And You Will Not Regret It

Do These Five Construction Questions And You Will Not Regret It. One of the topics in Mathematics on which WAEC often test students on is construction. It will be strategically unwise if candidates master other areas and leave construction. Candidates must therefore try their hands on these questions.
Do Not Enter The Exams Hall Without Knowing These 25 Simple Maths Formulas
See questions
- Using a ruler and a pair of compasses only
i) Construct triangle ABC with sides |AB|=7cm,|BC|=8cm and |AC|=9cm
ii)draw the perpendicular bisectors of the three sides
iii) Locate the point of the intersection, O, of the perpendicular bisectors
iv) with center O and radius OA, draw a circle to pass through the vertices of the triangle
v) measure and write down the radius of the circle you have drawn
- Using a ruler and a pair of compass, only construct a quadrilateral, ABCD, with |AB|=9cm, |BC|=10 cm and |AD|=7.5 cm, <ABC=45 degree and <BAD=135 degree
ii) What type of quadrilateral is ABCD
- Using a pair of compasses and ruler only, construct triangle ABC, where |AB|=8.4 cm, |BC|=6.5 cm and <ABC= 30 degree
b) Construct the locus:
i)l1 of points equidistant from AB and BC and within angle ABC
ii)l2 of points equidistant from B and C
c) locate the point of intersection P of l1 and l2. Measure AP
If You Can Solve These Ten Difficult Maths Questions, Then You Are Prepared
Answer at least three of these questions
4)Using a ruler and a pair of compasses only
a)construct a triangle ABC such that AB=12 cm, angle CAB= 60 degrees and angle ABC= 30 degrees
b)Construct the mediator of AB to meet CB at Q
c)Measure |QC|
5) Using a pair of compasses and ruler only, construct triangle XYZ where YZ=8cm, angle XYZ= 60 degrees and angle XZY=45 degrees
Measure |XY|
b) Construct the locus
i)l1 of points equidistant from YX and YZ
ii)l2 of points equidistant from Y and Z. Label the points of intersection Q of l1 and l2. Measure |QY|
Please do well to solve all the questions.