Exchange Rate Of Nepal Rastra Bank: Today’s Foreign Exchange
The Central Bank of Nepal – Nepal Rastra Bank provides the Nepal Foreign Exchange data each day. Check out today’s Nepal foreign exchange in other currencies.
Indian Rupee
One can buy the Nepal currency at 160 Indian Rupee and sell at 160.15 Indian Rupee. Indian Rupee is the currency of Indians. The 160.15 Rupee is equivalent to 21.73 Ghana Cedis. One Indian Rupee to Ghana Cedis is 0.14.
United States Dollar (US)
One can buy the United States Dollar ($1) with 132.27 Nepalese rupee and can be sold at 132.67 Nepalese rupee. The 132.27 Nepalese rupee is equivalent to 11.25 Ghanaian Cedis. One United States Dollar is equivalent to 11.28 Ghanaian Cedis.
People from Nepal can be able to purchase one Euro at 144.25 Nepalese rupee and can sell it at 144.29 Nepalese rupee. The selling rate of the Nepalese rupee, thus 144.29 is equivalent to 12.33 Ghanaian Cedis. One Euro is equivalent to 12.29 Ghana Cedis.
United Kingdom (UK) Pound Sterling
One UK Pound Sterling can be bought with 168.94 Nepalese rupee and be sold at 169.71 Nepalese rupee. 169.71 Nepalese rupee is equivalent to 14.44 Ghanaian Cedis. One UK Pounds Sterling is equivalent to 14.37 Ghana Cedis.
Swiss Franc
The Switzerland Franc is the currency used by both Switzerland and Liechtenstein. One can buy one Swiss Franc with 150.78 Nepalese Rupee and sell it for 151.46 Nepalese rupee. The 151.46 Nepalese rupee is equivalent to 12.88 Ghanaian Cedis. One Swiss Franc is equivalent to 12.72 Ghana cedis.
Australian Dollar
The Australian Dollar is the official currency used by Australians and other top Pacific Island states thus Tuvalu, Kiribati, and Nauru. One can buy one Australian Dollar with 84.96 Nepalese rupee and sell it at 85.35 Nepalese rupee. The selling rate is equivalent to 7.26 Ghanaian Cedis.
Canadian Dollar
The Canadian Dollar is the official currency used by Canadians. One Canadian Dollar is equivalent to 8.32 Ghana Cedis. One can buy a Canadian Dollar for 98.01 Nepalese rupee and sell at 98.45 Nepalese rupee. The selling rate is equivalent to 8.37 Ghanaian Cedis.