How to calculate 2021 BECE Aggregate Score
How to calculate the 2021 BECE Aggregate Score is one of the questions candidates continue to leave on our social media pages. To help answer the question, we have written this extensive article to provide more information to our cherished readers.
In calculating the BECE Aggregate Score obtained by a student, one needs to know that the courses or subjects are divided into core and others (Elective courses).
The grades obtained by a student in the core subjects will all be included in calculating the final aggregate obtained by a student.
The core subjects are: English Language, Mathematics, Integrated Science and Social Studies while elective subjects are the other subjects [Basic Design and Technology, Ghanaian Language, ICT, French, and Religious and Moral Education]
Now to calculate the aggregate, add the grades you obtained from the core subjects.
For instance, a student named Samuel Kuma score the following in the 2021 BECE core subjects.
English Language – 2
Mathematics -3
Integrated Science – 2
Social Studies – 4
The total grade from ONLY the core subjects is = 2+3+2+4 = [11]
The next thing to do to calculate the 2021 BECE Aggregate Score is to pick the best scores from the remaining elective courses.
Now our student obtained the following grades.
Basic Design and Technology – 2
Ghanaian Language – 1
ICT – 2
French – 2
Religious and Moral Education – 3
From this, the two best results are 1+2 = [3]
Now Samuel Kum’s final BECE 2021 aggregate from the calculations is [11] + [3] = Aggregate 14
How does the BECE grade affect the school choice you are placed in?
The better your BECE grade, the greater your chances of getting placed into your school of choice.
The GES uses the Computerized School Selection and Placement System (CSSPS) to place students into schools across the country.
READ: 70% of 2021 BECE students want their scripts remarked – Report
Note that WAEC scores students at the BECE from 9 -1 with 1 being the best grade and 8 & 9 representing failure.
The following are the marks and grades in BECE that you need to know to calculate your aggregate
- 90-100 is graded as 1, GRADE AA+. It is the HIGHEST grade in the grading system.
- 80-89, the second category in this classification is graded as 2, GRADE A. it is denoted as HIGHER.
- 70-79, is grade 3, a B+ and is described as HIGH.
- 60 -69 is grade 4, GRADE B, described as HIGH AVERAGE.
- 55 – 60 is GRADE C+, classified as 5 and described as AVERAGE.
- 50-54 and GRADE C; number 6 in the grading system. LOW AVERAGE is a description of marks falling between
- 40-49 is considered as GRADE D+ and number 7; described as LOW
- 35-39 is GRADE E which is number 8, described as LOWER in the Stanine grading system.
- 0-34 is GRADE F, 9 characterized by 9 is the LOWEST grade, which falls between
So the best 3 core subjects plus best 3 electives is a lie? I’m hearing it has been changed… Please answer me
It is explained in the post. There is nothing like three best core and electives rather all four core subjects and the best from the remaining subjects.
Do heads in SHS have right to reject postings done by national?
My sister obtained the following grades below;
English language -1
Integrated science -1
Social studies -2
Mathematics -1
Please can she be placed at Wesley girls cape coast or Ghana National college.
She chose general arts as her course