5 Reasons Why Good Handwriting is Crucial for Exam Success

The pen is mightier than the sword, or so they say. While this may be true in some cases, it’s not always entirely accurate. An excellent written exam will get you admission into your favourite school and programme, but an equally brilliant one may not do you much good.
Handwriting plays a vital role in the process of establishing a child’s identity, reading ability, and cognitive skills.
Essentially, great handwriting helps children develop their writing and reading skills quickly and efficiently. However, most schools overlook this fact in favor of recruiting kids who can type faster than anyone else on the planet instead.
5 Reasons Why Good Handwriting is Crucial for Exam Success
To reduce your chances of ending up unrecruitable at every stage of your academic career, it’s imperative that you improve your penmanship as soon as possible. Here are 5 important reasons why:
Better Grads
The top reasons for improving handwriting are easy to see. One of the first things colleges look for is handwriting samples on your application. If you have bad penmanship, you have a better than 50% chance of being unrecruitable. Don’t worry; you don’t have to be a whiz with a pencil to have the best shot at this. All you have to do is work on your handwriting. The best way to do this is to spend a few minutes every day practicing your penmanship. You don’t need to spend hours on a page perfecting your skills. Just do a few simple strokes and practice spacing and letter formation until they don’t look like scribbles anymore.
Better Job Prospects
When you receive a job offer, the employer will notice your handwriting right away. With the right help, you can easily make your handwriting legible and presentable enough to pass the hiring manager’s inspection. Any experienced hiring manager will expect to see proper penmanship on your résumé and in-hand written interview answers. The chances of finding a job in the current job market are low for everyone. You don’t want to find yourself unrecruitable because your handwriting isn’t up to par. By improving your handwriting, you can increase your job prospects and increase your chances of finding a position in which you can use your writing skills.
Better Self-Confidence
Handwriting is one of the most effective ways of building self-confidence. When you improve your handwriting, you immediately experience an increase in self-confidence. This is because you feel more accomplished when you see your work on paper. When you have self-confidence, you feel less threatened by challenging tasks such as public speaking and writing essays. This is especially important for people who experience anxiety around public speaking because they will be able to better handle this in many cases.
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Stronger and Safer Written Communication
Bad penmanship can be dangerous and cause you to write even more poorly in person than you do on paper. In fact, a study published in the Journal of Handwritten Pen Studies found that bad handwriting significantly increases the risk of verbal aggression. This means that you’re more likely to say something you don’t mean when you write; a dangerous practice when you’re not thinking straight. Safeguard from Illiteracy Handwriting is a major factor in determining a person’s literacy status. People with poor penmanship are much more likely to be illiterate than those with good handwriting. If you can write well, you can avoid the negative stigma that comes with being labelled illiterate.
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Safeguard from Illiteracy
Handwriting is a major factor in determining a person’s literacy status. People with poor penmanship are much more likely to be illiterate than those with good handwriting. If you can write well, you can avoid the negative stigma that comes with being labeled illiterate. Good handwriting shows that you’ve developed your penmanship to the extent that it requires minimal help from an adult in order to be legible. No adult who sees it will label you as “not quite there yet” because they know it takes work to improve.
Final Thoughts
5 Reasons Why Good Handwriting is Crucial for Exam Success Improving your penmanship is one of the surest ways to boost your college admissions chances and further your academic career. When you take the time to get your penmanship in order, you can leverage the fact that you were able to put your thoughts on paper into a competitive advantage. Great handwriting shows that you’ve developed your penmanship to the extent that it requires minimal help from an adult in order to be legible. No adult who sees it will label you as “not quite there yet” because they know it takes work to improve.