Strange stories of two Siamese twins born in1851 and 1912

The world is full of mysterious historical facts and inspiring ones as well. Today, we share with you strange stories of two Siamese twins born in 1851 and 1912.
Margaret and Mary Gibb Siamese twins
Margaret and Mary Gibb were Siamese twins born in 1912. In 1966, it was discovered that Margaret had cancer in her bladder, which, over the next year, spread to her lungs. However, the sisters still adamantly refused separation. On August 29, 1967, Margaret died, and Mary died two minutes later.
Millie and Christine McKoy, born in 1851 Siamese twins
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The Carolina twins faced significant challenges right from the beginning. Millie and Christine McKoy, born in 1851, were conjoined at the lower spine, and their parents were enslaved. However, their lives unfolded as an incredible triumph over adversity.
In their early years, the twins experienced a heartbreaking childhood. They were separated from their mother at the tender age of 2, sold multiple times, kidnapped, recovered, kidnapped again, and exhibited at fairs and sideshows from New Orleans to Montreal. They were even taken across the ocean to Britain. At each new location, showmen called in physicians for extensive medical examinations to satisfy scientific curiosity and prove to skeptics that the “two-headed girl” was genuine. It took three years for a private investigator, hired by the final “rightful” owner of the McKoy family, Joseph Pearson Smith, to locate the twins in Birmingham, England. By the time they returned to Smith and their family in North Carolina, they were almost 6 years old.
The twins lived by the motto “As God decreed, we agreed,” and they endeavored to transform their challenges into strengths. While they were initially clumsy toddlers who frequently fell, they soon developed a graceful sideways walk, captivating audiences with their unique dance style. They also became skilled at playing keyboard duets and, with one soprano and one alto voice, learned to harmonize. Martell presents a wealth of medical reports attesting to the twins’ above-average intelligence.
Upon their return to North Carolina in 1857, Smith and his wife assumed the responsibility of educating the twins while also managing their emerging careers as performers. Martell provides compelling evidence that the Smiths were slaveholders who treated Millie and Christine as part of their family. Mary Smith, in particular, broke the law by teaching slaves to read and write. After the abolition of slavery, the Smiths continued to serve as Millie and Christine’s managers, shaping their lives around the twins’ careers.
During an extensive seven-year European tour in the 1870s, Millie-Christine became fluent in several languages, including German, Italian, Spanish, and French. A reviewer from The New York Times effusively commented, “she is a perfect little gem or gems, or a gem and a half, we don’t know which. Great care and attention must have been bestowed upon her education.”