Teacher Trainees Across The 46 Colleges Boycott Mid-Semester Examination.

Teacher Trainees Across The 46 Colleges Boycott Mid-Semester Examination.
Teacher trainees are the prospective teachers who will be teaching the younger generations in the years to come. It is almost three weeks now since when Colleges of Education Teachers Association announced an indefinite strike action. This strike action has halted lectures and even the feeding of trainees for about two weeks.
Two days ago, the monitoring Universities released a timetable to showcase the schedules for both midsem examinations and end-of-semester examinations. Upon seeing the timetable, the teacher trainees became angry they refuse to sit for the mid-semester exams on Thursday 1st December 2022.
This update is going viral. The concerns of the teacher trainees are that their course outlines have not been completed by their teachers who are on strike. Hence, they are is no need to write both end-of-semester and mid sem exams.
Over a long due the Government of Ghana has not responded or provided to the demands of the Colleges of Education Teachers Association CETAG. Things are getting out of hand and the right thing needs to be done as soon as possible.