What to do to pass the 2025 BECE & 2025 WASSCE exams easily
Are you getting ready for the BECE or WASSCE? Do you know what BECE and WASSCE candidates must do to pass their 2025 exam? Keep reading. At the end of this article, you will be able to learn additional smart ways to pass the BECE and WASSCE.
There is a thin line between passing and failing the BECE and WASSCE, and in this article, based on research and experience, I will share with my junior brothers and sisters what BECE candidates who will fail the 2025 BECE are doing now and what those who are likely to pass the examination should be doing.
This is going to be a mirror for all candidates to reflect on and make changes to their attitude and approach to preparing for the BECE and WASSCE 2025.
To pass the BECE and WASSCE, kindly read the following with all the attention it deserves.
No candidate preparing for the BECE and WASSCE wants to fail, but the reality is that some will fail, depending on many factors.
Not working on poor question-answering skills
Candidates who are getting ready for the upcoming BECE are those who are actually busy working on how to answer questions. It’s one thing knowing the answers and another thing knowing how to write the answers the right way to obtain the full marks. If you are not mastering how to answer questions, you are not preparing well enough and may be working towards failure. Take a look at some of the ways to answer questions well in the recommended articles below.
Read: BECE candidates question answering problems that make students fail easily.
READ: How to Answer BECE and WASSCE Social Studies Questions
Read: 2025 WASSCE English Language Trial Questions With Answering Guide
Failure to learn subject-based vocabulary
BECE candidates who are preparing very well are those who also learn the vocabulary in each subject in addition to the knowledge in each topic. Examiners look out for certain keywords when awarding marks. Where a specific keyword is required, failure to provide it in the explanation may sometimes affect the final score awarded for the answer.
For example, when explaining osmosis in integrated science, give an answer without words or synonyms High concentration and low concentration may lead to low marks being scored.
Not practice objective test answering
Some candidates, while preparing for the WASS and BECE, may fail to practice answering objective test questions. If you are not practicing, know that you are not helping yourself. A candidate who is practicing objective test answering does not only answer such tests as part of the preparation but also learns the skills used in choosing correct answers. To master and practice objective test answering, kindly read this article: Multiple-Choice Test Strategies: How to Always Choose the Correct Answers
Not taking studies seriously, not learning for the exam
Sadly, there are students in JHS3 and SHS3 who are still lazing about. Roaming from one place to another instead of having enough rest after school and spending quality time with their books. Let learning become a habit and the most important activity now. It is good to have some exercise and a break from your books. But if you are currently playing too much and have less for your studies, then you are getting ready to fail the BECE or the WASSCE.
Not studying with past papers and mock questions
How can you prepare for the BECE or WASSCE without practicing with past papers? If you do not have past papers or past question and solution booklets, it is time to get them for the various subjects. To revise with these books, take time to look at how the questions are framed and the answers provided, and learn to answer questions like that. Practice with them past papers and mock questions, and compare your answers with the suggested answers. Do your best to solve all mock questions after each mock paper, especially the questions you did not solve during a particular mock.
Lack of interest in a subject, selective learning, and preference
If a BECE or WASSCE candidate decides to specialize in certain topics and subjects, then he or she may be getting ready for failure. This is because, as a candidate, you do not know which topics will be quizzed. Again, all subjects are important, and up to six of them contribute to your raw score and aggregate obtained. Students are encouraged to give serious attention to topics and subjects they are weak in and give their very best in preparing as the 2025 BECE gets closer.
Missing the 4Rs strategy while learning.
Students preparing for the WASSCE or BECE who miss one of the Rs discussed here will be doing a big disfavour to themselves. Some students make the mistake of reading very well without trying to recollect; others do their best to recollect without retaining a higher percentage of what they learn. If you are not doing at least three of these 4Rs, you are not learning well. The 4Rs are read, retain, recall, and rewrite strategy.
When answering questions, you will be recollecting the knowledge retained in memory and then going ahead to rewrite it. Hence, when preparing for the BECE, apply the 4R at all times. The last two are very important in the answer hall the moment you are answering questions, but all four are a must to practice with when studying.
If you are not doing the right things as a candidate, you know what BECE and WASSCE must do to pass their 2025 exam. Apply them now, for it is never too late, and share this article with others on all social media platforms.
Source: Ghana Education News | Wisdom Hammond