With WhatsApp, the communication between people has changed a lot. Whether it is because of digital innovation and progress or because it is so convenient and simple, using WhatsApp has changed the way we relate to each other. Careful when writing these words in your Whatsapp conversations, you could get immediately banned
With WhatsApp, the communication between people has changed a lot. Whether it is because of digital innovation and progress or because it is so convenient and simple, using WhatsApp has changed the way we relate to each other.
There are more than 2 billion users of the application worldwide, and its algorithm records more than 100 billion messages a day.
Security and anonymity
Although what happens on the Internet seems to stay on the Internet, nothing could be further from the truth. A great deal of monitoring is carried out in the digital sphere in search of possible infractions, crimes, or inappropriate conversations that could raise an alert in the highest spheres of world security.
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It has always been said that there are agencies that are responsible for monitoring the content of the network and that there are certain words that trigger alerts from these agencies in case it is some kind of evil that is ‘cooking’ in the digital spectrum.
The company blocked accounts that sent mass messages to all their contacts. In many cases the application considered them advertising spam. In general, they were always temporary blocks.
Now the same thing is happening and it is something that can be read in the ‘Terms of Service’ that appear in the application settings, but it is something that is not usually read.
Zuckerberg’s platform explains that the messages have to be “for lawful, authorized and acceptable purposes”, which implies that through the messages they try to avoid conversations that incite hatred or discrimination.
Temporary blocks
The application also indicates that it does not control all conversations, although there are certain words that WhatsApp does not allow. Terms such as ‘pornography’, ‘pedophilia’ or some similar ones are monitored and may involve a penalty, as well as terms that involve threats, defamation, intimidation or those that incite hatred.
Many of the problems encountered by such users is when their conversations are reported, it is at that moment that the application acts and can block a number temporarily. This does not imply that there are no permanent blocks, these exist and mean that the user will not be able to use the application again with that phone number