When Will 2023 Teacher Licensure Results Be Released? Check Out The Date

2023 NTC Results Update
Many allegations have been made against the National Teaching Council over Ghana Teacher Licensure Examinations. Some speculations detailed that, the Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination has been politicized as a means to reduce the intake of teachers following the failure which was recorded last year.
Notwithstanding all other allegations, the National Teaching Council scheduled the degree version of the 2023 Ghana Teacher Licensure Exams on September 13th which ended on the 15th of September, 2023. The Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination comprises three (3) papers made up of the General Professional Paper (GPK), Pedagogy, and Special Specialization. Since the Examination has come on the end of 15th of September 2023, all candidates are eager or anxious to know when their results will be out. The details and the outcome will be made known as soon as possible.
All students or candidates who sat for the just-ended Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination should not that, the results of the Ghana Teacher Examinations not exceed 2 months before it is released. It is clearly stated on the premises of the various dates on which other results were released that, even in a minimum of one and half months, the National Teaching Council (NTC) will release the results for the just-ended Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination (GTLE) will be released.
Therefore looking at the time that the examination was conducted, the results will be released by the least date of Ending of October. That is by the 30th of October 2023. The results will likely be released even before the 30th of October 2023.
In some rare occasions, where plenty of issues are to be considered and where a lot of consultations and adjustments are to be made before the release of the Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination Results, it will take a maximum of two months before the results will be released.
Therefore, in case the rare instances happen, then all candidates who sat for the 2023 Ghana Licensure Examination in September 2023 should expect their results in November.
However, if all things are equal, the results of the Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination will be released by October 30, 2023.
Please I plead that we those with Diploma should be given the chance to write the licensure exams. Secondly I want to plead that they consider their recruitment into Ghana Education service as teachers
Please some of us couldn’t register for the licensure exam because my school couldn’t send our details for NTC to upload, what should I do???
We do not have an answer to this question currently. Thanks
Please when will NTC September results be out.We need answers from NTC.
Please when will NTC opens portal to register for the licensure for we those who couldn’t register???