5 Steps to Ace Your 2024 BECE & WASSCE Exam Success

Making good grades in the upcoming 2024 BECE and WASSCE is the most important target for every student, but not all students have the needed tips and skills to improve their 2024 BECE and WASSCE grades, even if they study every page of their notes and textbooks.
This is why we have taken time to research and write out this post specifically for 2024 BECE and WASSCE candidates. This post aims at helping serious students who want to pass BECE and WASSCE 2024 improve grades with our exam hall strategies for BECE & WASSCE candidates.
5 Steps to Ace Your 2024 BECE & WASSCE Exam Success Tips
Without wasting time, let us jump into the 5 tips to help you pass the 2024 BECE & WASSCE Exam.
Before you read the tips, remember that good prior preparation fr the BECE and WASSCE is very important and will make these suggestions useful to you. Promise yourself to study hard and prepare well toward success before you read this further.
What are the 5 Steps to Ace Your 2024 BECE & WASSCE Exam Success?
#1. 2024 BECE & WASSCE Exam Success Tips No 1: Stay Calm” and “Read Instructions
2024 BECE & WASSCE Exam Tips one is to stay calm and read isntrcutions in the exam hall before anything else.
While many students are tempted to start work as soon as the invigilators say so, good students who obtain great scores always take it easy when they hear start work.
Always be calm, and do not panic in the exam hall. If you miss a heartbeat, take a deep breath and tell yourself to calm down for success.
Don’t rush! to start answering questions. You are likely to make early mistakes that can cost you.
Carefully read through the questions and underline the key words. Take a look at the marks allocated as well, since that will tell you how much you have to write to earn a decent score.
When you hear start work, do your best to plan your essay or answers by listing the points you will be explaining or writing for the examiner.
Take a deep breath and jot down all the points. Keep your focus, and do not forget that a good presentation adds to your ability to do well.
Please always read each question thoroughly before answering since it can help you to maximize your exam score.
#2. 2024 BECE & WASSCE Exam Success Tips 2: Manage Time Wisely
In the examination hall, you are always running out of time. After two or so hours, the exam is over. Do well to allocate time for each question. If you are to answer three section B questions in an hour, you need to break your time into the following portions:.
a. Reading through questions, planning, and listing points on the question paper—10 minutes maximum.
b. deciding which questions to answer first, second, and finally. Two minutes is enough for this, as you have done in (a) above. Always choose the question you are most confident about and answer that first. It will boost your morale.
Note: Do not choose questions you cannot answer as well as your first question since it can negatively affect your performance.
c. Allocate 12 minutes to answering each of the three questions. This adds up to 36 minutes of the 1 hour allocated for the 3 questions.
d. From point a to c will lead to using (10+2+36) 48 minutes. Watch out for how to use the remaining 12 minutes in the final point explained in this post.
#3. Support your answers with good examples and avoid lazy answers
When providing answers, what you leave on the paper is what the examiners will mark, not what you left in your ID and took out. Since it is not always easy to provide excellent answers, do your best to support your answers with examples, diagrams, charts, skeletons, etc. These help add value to each point you have explained.
Again, do not write short answers of less than 10 words when each point will be awarded, say 2 to 4 marks.
Each time a point is worth 2 to 4 marks, you have to explain it clearly and give examples to support it.
Once you are not doing this, you are writing lazy answers. Lazy answers will lead to a loss of marks.
This in itself does not also mean you should just be writing long sentences that do not add to your scores.
Do well to always show workings when answering mathematics related questions and use the right units of measurement at all times.
#4. Answer ALL questions or the number of questions required.
While some examinations require students to answer all questions, others require that students answer a specific number of questions.
If you answer one question from three sections, you will be answering three questions in all. Do well to attempt all the questions, even if you have no exact answers to the questions.
Even if you are unsure, write something relevant. A well-explained attempt might get partial credit.
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#5. Review and Proofread: This relates to point 3 explained.
Before submitting, double-check your answers for accuracy and completeness.
Under #2, Manage Time Wisely, you used 48 minutes to plan and write answers. Now, use the remaining 12 minutes to read through your answers. This will help you identify all or as many of the grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, omitted key words, and portions of the answers. Remember to always budget extra time for reviewing answers at the end.
Remember: these are exam hall tactics. You can score better grades with all these tips if, first of all, you work hard before the main examination and have good, purposeful revisions. True improvement comes from solid preparation beforehand through studying past papers, understanding the syllabus, and practicing with mock exams.
READ: WAEC Releases 2024 WASSCE Timetable For The Following Countries
The tips shared in this post titled “5 Steps to Ace Your 2024 BECE & WASSCE Exam Success” will not perform any magic if you fail to prepare well for the examination ahead of you.
We hope these 2024 BECE & WASSCE Exam Success Tips will go a long way to help you.
Source: Wisdom Hammond| Ghanaeducation.org