Civil Service Recruitment 2024 || Update

Civil Service recruitment for 2024 is currently ongoing. All applicants and graduates who seek an opportunity to join the Civil Service are required to apply through the Civil Service Recruitment portal or by following the application process stated below.
How To Apply
- First visit the Civil Service Recruitment Portal:
- Then click on the “New Applicant” button to create an account
- If you already have an account, click just on the “Existing Applicant” button
- Afterwards login with your email and password you created earlier to login
- After login fill the www ohcs gov gh Application Form and click the submit button
- You can as well visit the Ghana civil service official website
- Then click on navigation and click on the ‘Applications’ tap then click on the ‘Recruitment’ link to access the the application form.
Deadline For Registration
The deadline for registration is 31st May, 2024.
The mission of the Civil Service, as stated in the Civil Service Law, 1993 PNDCL 327, “is to assist the Government in the formulation and implementation of government policies for the development of the country.”
Functions Of The Ghana Civil Service
For the purpose of achieving its object under the law, the Service performs the following functions-PNDC Law 32;
- Initiate and formulate policy options for consideration of government; Initiate and advise on government plans;
- Undertake such research as may be necessary for the effective implementation of government policies;
- Implement government policies; Review government policies and plans;
- Monitor, co-ordinate and evaluate government policies and plans;
- Perform such functions as are incidental or conducive to the achievement of the object specified in this Law, and
- Perform such other functions as the Executive may direct.
- Ensuring efficiency of the service;
- Having charge over all Civil Servants Ensuring effective implementation of government policies and plans;
- Advising government on employment and policy formulation within the Service;
- Advising on conduct of management audits and review, and Determining and advising on manpower limits for the Service
Please help l want to join