New 2025 BECE English Language Mock 2

Preparong for the BECE demands a lot of practice and revisions and to help you do that, Education-News Consult is publishing this New 2025 BECE English Language Mock 2 from our set of mocks for 2025 candidates.
This mock should be revised with all the seriousness it demands as class test, excercises, assigments among others.
2025 BECE English Language Mock – PAPER 2 – PART A – ESSAY WRITING – [30 MARKS]
Answer one question only from this part. Your essay should be about 250 words long.
1. There is an outbreak of cholera in your community. Write a letter to the minister of health explaining three causes of the outbreak on which the ministry can base to find solutions.
2. Write a story that ends with the saying ”a word to the wise is enough”
3. In the absence of your class teacher, you witnessed a fight between two colleagues of yours in the classroom. Narrate to your class teacher what you with witnessed.
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2025 BECE English Language Mock – Reading and Comprehension
4. Read the following passage carefully and answer all the questions that follow.
Despite the fact that the planet is habitable only because most of it is composed of water, it is the oceans that are the most immediately threatened part of the earth.
It was in the oceans that life first began to stir, shielded by the waters from the sun’s irresistible radiation. It was from the oceans that plants and animals emerged to colonize the land surface of the planet. It is the oceans today that provide the water vapour which, drawn up by the sun, falls upon the earth in harvest-bringing, life- sustaining rain. The ocean is a major provider of the oxygen released by its plankton for the benefit of all species of land, air and sea- breathing with lungs and gills. Without special qualities for holding heat, much of the earth would be uninhabitable.
The oceans are the coolants of the tropics, the bringers of warm currents to cold regions, the universal moderators of temperature throughout the globe. The oceans are also indispensable to man because the first created the worldwide currents of seaborne trade which have steadily drawn our planet into a single economic system. They still produce, for the earth’s rising population, a vast harvest of indispensable protein. In 1969, sixty three million metric tons of fish came from the sea, estimated to be only approximately one-fifth of the ocean’s production.
Fish, if turned directly to human use, could make up large part of the protein diet required for the world’s children, especially those in developing countries, at a very low cost. But, in one of the world economy’s most unacceptable diversions of resources, fifty percent f the harvest from the ocean is converted to fish meal which today ends up feeding pigs and chickens in developed countries. It is very sad that ‘developed’ animal pets have the chance of a better diet than very many ‘developing’ babies.
a. Why are the oceans considered vital for making the Earth habitable?
b. How do the oceans contribute to the Earth’s rainfall?
c. What role do plankton in the oceans play for living organisms?
d. How do the oceans help regulate the Earth’s temperature?
e. Explain in your own words, the following expressions used in the passage.
i. throughout the globe
ii. coolants of the tropics
iii. shielded by the waters
f. For each of the following words, give another word or phrase that means the same and can fit into the passage.
i. despite
ii. irresistible
iii. diversions
iv. approximately
g. In one sentence not more than ten words, summarize how man misuses the ocean’s resources.