Parents Of 2022 BECE Candidates Must Do These Else……
Parents Of 2022 BECE Candidates Must Do These Else…… Generally, teachers are blamed for the failure of students in every final exam. The student themselves, who wrote the exams, also receive some portion of the blame. One perspective which has been overlooked is the role of parents in the success of their wards. Always than not, parents must be also blamed when their wards. This must not be a general case. I will explain why. This article will bring to the fore, the role that parents must play for their wards to pass the BECE.
Provide a conducive environment
It will shock you to know that right in the homes of BECE candidates, parents sit with these candidates to watch telenovelas. This is mostly the case for girl candidates. There are other cases where right under the nose of candidates, parents make arguments. There are more cases that can be cited. The point I am trying to make is that the above cases make the home an unconducive environment for learning. It will be very difficult for your ward to learn in such an environment. Therefore, parents must do everything in their might to always provide a conduce environment for studies for their ward
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2. Ensure that your child’s mental and physiological health is daily intact
During these “last days” for BECE candidates, the candidates undergo mental stress, nervousness, and depression amongst other mental issues. The teacher owes it a duty to load the students with the necessary knowledge to pass the exams. The teacher will therefore have less time to monitor each student and identify if the child is having an issue. Thus, parents must observe their wards and question them to see if everything is alright. Also, parents must ensure that their ward have enough sleep always.
The other things parents can do are to cease all devices of their ward, do a daily revision with your ward, communicate daily with the teachers training their wards to see the progress they are making, provide all the reasonable needs of their wards and others.