Be Serious and Proactive –NUGS to GES on Postponement of SH3 reopening

The National Union of Ghana Students (NUGS) has called on the Management of the Ghana Education Service to be serious and proactive in their decision making.
Postponement of SHS3 Reopening
This call follows the announcement by the Ghana Education Service to postpone the reporting of school for SHS3 students from 7th April to 5th May 2021.
The rescheduling of the reopening date of SHS3 students who are to sit their WASSCE in September has not gone down well with stakeholders.
The GES has however sort to explain the reasons behind the decision, thus it aimed at ensuring 2021 WASSCE students achieved the 1,080 instructional periods, hence the change.
Postponement of SHS3 Reopening to May 5th came at a time students were preparing to report to school. Currently, Green Track SHS2 students do not know their fate either.
However, the National Union of Ghana Students (NUGS) says the GES “have always been reactive rather than proactive in handling issues as and when they arise.”
“The recent happenings at the GES does not affect only the Ghanaian students competitiveness on the global stage but also threatens success chalked over the years within the educational front,” NUGS indicated
READ ALSO:GES apologizes for postponing SHS reopening date without prior notice
“We offer our heartfelt solidarity to Ghanaian students affected by the decision of GES Management and assure them we are committed to their welfare,” the Students Union said in a statement sighted by