9 top ways to solve BECE and WASSCE English essay questions

Do you know there are the Top ways to solve English Language essay questions at the BECE and WASSCE as a candidate? If you have no intention of passing the English language exam, especially the essays, then do not bother yourself to read further.
You can say goodbye to this post and leave now because what comes next will make meaning to only those who are hungry for success and want to pass the English language paper easily.
Since you are still reading, ensure that you make your notes on all that you read from now on in this post.
Your exam may be several months or a few weeks away, but you already know how to pass your English language essay. You may not have considered the knowledge you have in the manner in which I am about to present it here.
My goal is to ensure that you “BLOW” the English language paper essay questions WAEC throws at you without sweating.
Feeling anxious about the English Language Essay in your BECE or WASSCE exams? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! But fret no more, because this guide is here to equip you with the top 9 strategies to conquer that essay question and ace your exams, no matter the year, including 2024 BECE and WASCE candidates.
What are the top 9 ways to pass an English essay?
- Know the kind of essay you are to write after reading each question.
- Know the features of the essay type you chose to write—organization—and ensure you follow the features throughout your writing.
- To ensure you do not forget the features as you write, you can outline the features of the essay quickly on your question paper.
- Brainstorm the essay and write down the main information you will explain in it.
- Arrange the points you will explain according to their strength, or from the best to the worst.
- List the linking words you will use, if any, for every new paragraph.
- Come out with an introduction on your question paper, work on it, and use it in your introduction.
- Write your essay.
- Read through and correct errors
Do not joke with the above-suggested ways to solve BECE and WASSCE English essay questions.
Let us break the above down again…
If you want to write a high-scoring essay, first understand the question:
I bet you have heard this statement several times. “Understanding the question is part of the examination.”
When you read the three or five essay questions from which you are expected to choose and answer one at the BECE or WASSCE, ask yourself the following questions for each of the essay questions you read:.
[a] Is this question requesting a letter to be written or a narrative or a descriptive or argumentative essay or debate?
If it is a narrative essay, descriptive essay, argumentative essay, or debate, ensure you know the features, such as the title and how to introduce the essay, among others.
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If the essay is a narrative
- Write a clear, simple title, centre it on the line you wrote it, and underline it with a straight edge. The line must not go beyond the length of the title.
- Make sure you’ve carefully considered the story you want to write and its intended ending. If the question provides the words you must end the story with, Make sure you use the words provided as the last words of the story and nothing else. For example. Write a story that ends, “And we were all sad.” In this case, do not write any more words as soon as you introduce these words.
- Ensure that you do not write irrelevant paragraphs.
- Have suspense in the write-up.
- No paragraph should have more than five lines.
- Keep the topic in mind as you write.
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[b] If it is a letter, is it formal, informal, or semi-formal?
Note that questions that demand that you write a letter will always have the word “letter” in them. If you do not see the word “letter,” be extra careful and do not assume it is a letter. For example, “Write to explain to your friend why you want to travel abroad.” This is not a letter to a friend. It is instead a combination of narrative and descriptive essay features. But if the same question says, “Write a letter to your friend explaining why you want to travel abroad,” it is now a friendly letter.
[c] If the letter you are to write is a formal letter, list the features of formal letters on your question paper. For eg.
- Writer’s address: Keep it simple and avoid long, winding address lines.
- Date: After this, leave one line before the next address to keep your letter neat and organized.
- Recipient’s address: Keep it simple and avoid long, winding address lines.
- Salutation. Use only Dear Sir or Dear Madam. Do not write Dear Sir or Madam because the examiner will never penalise you for choosing one gender for the recipient.
- Headings are in capital letters and centered. Do not underline with your bare hands, and do not underline any section of the lines on which the title is written if there are no words there.
- Leave up to 2 cm of space from the margins for every new paragraph.
- The introduction should never include asking about the well-being of the reader.
- Use official language and do not use please in your essay.
- Do not use jargon or uncontracted forms of words.
- Avoid unnecessary explanations and go straight to the point.
- Explain a maximum of three points in the body. This adds up to 3 paragraphs.
- Your conclusion should be one paragraph.
- Sign off (subscription). This should be in the following order:.
* Yours faithfully,
This should be followed by your signature or initials.
This should be followed by your full name.
This should be followed by your title or position in brackets.
If the ways to solve BECE and WASSCE English essay questions shared so far are good, then continue reading the rest.
Do well to read these:
Answering Essay Questions: 10 standard rules and tricks for HIGH SCORES
- How to write formal letters and articles to editors: 2024 BECE and 2024 WASSCE
- How to write informal letters or friendly letters – BECE, WASSCE and GTLE
- Writing formal letters: What WASSCE and BECE candidates must know
Writing informal letters: What WASSCE and BECE candidates must know
2024 WASSCE: How To Write A Formal Letter In 8 Ways
[d] If the letter is friendly, list the features of the friendly letter on your question paper. For eg.
- Writer’s address
- Date
- Recipient’s address
- Salutation eg. Dear Kofi, Hello Ama, etc. Choose simple salutations and simple names to avoid mistakes.
- Remember to leave up to 2 cm of space from the margins for every new paragraph.
- The introduction and pleasantries should be simple and nice. Do not chase after big words and expressions just to make funny mistakes and lose marks. Keep this correct, simple, and interesting, and score your marks easily. Do not go beyond one paragraph, and the paragraph should not be more than five lines.
- Body of the letter: Raise one point per paraphrase, and no paragraph should be more than 5 lines.
- Explain a maximum of three points in the body. This adds up to 3 paragraphs.
- Your conclusion should be one paragraph.
- Sign off (subscription). This should be in the following order.
* Yours ever, sincerely yours, etc., just one of them.
This should be followed by your first name.
Consider reading these posts
Informal/Formal Letter Essay Questions for WASSCE 2024 (English Language)
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Before we end this, do not forget the following:.
- Avoid spelling and grammatical errors.
- Use the right vocabulary.
- Always read through your work.
- Practice with all forms of essays even before the examination.
- Practice neat handwriting. Where your handwriting is not too good, do not write too fast, and do not join letters to make it easy to read.
- Break your essays into shorter paragraphs.
- Use simple and compound sentences often to help avoid punctuation errors.
- Master one address system and use it throughout your revision. Use the same address method in the final exam. For instance, choose the blocked or indented address and keep using it.
I hope this post on Top ways to solve English Language essay questions at the BECE and WASSCE has been an eye-opener. Good luck.
Source: Wisdom Hammond | Ghanaeducation.org