WAEC Reveals The Punishment for 2024 WASSCE Cheaters
There are rules and regulations governing every examination. WAEC has revealed the punishment for 2024 WASSCE cheaters.
The 2024 WASSCE will begin in few months time and usually WAEC gets some reported cases of examination malpractices by some candidates.
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Let’s take a look at what WAEC will do to any student/candidate who is caught cheating during WASSCE.
- Where a candidate is found with a programmable calculator in the examination hall, the entire results of the candidate shall be withheld pending the outcome of investigation by the appropriate Committee of the Council.
- Where a candidate is found in the examination hall to have inscription(s) on any part of his/her body or clothing, the candidate’s entire results in the examination shall be withheld pending the outcome of investigation by the appropriate Committee of the Council.
- Where a candidate is found with a mobile phone or any other electronic communication device in the examination hall, the entire results of the candidate shall be withheld pending the outcome of investigation by the appropriate Committee of the Council
- Where a candidate insults or assaults a supervisor/invigilator/school official/inspector in the lawful performance of his/her duties inside or outside the examination hall, or in any other way disturbs the conduct of the examination, the entire results of the candidate shall be withheld pending the outcome of investigation by the appropriate Committee of the Council. The candidate shall also be barred from taking any examination conducted by the Council for a period not less than 2 years.
- Where a candidate is apprehended for offence(s) such as those listed below inside or outside the examination hall, the candidate’s entire results shall be withheld pending the outcome of investigation by the appropriate Committee of the Council;
- Stealing, converting or misappropriating the scripts of other candidates.
- Substituting worked scripts during or after the examination.
- submission of more than one worked script.
- Possession of more than one question paper or answer booklet.
- seeking or receiving help from non-candidate(s) such as invigilator(s), supervisor(s), teacher(s) or other personalities before, during or after the examination.