Can I Vote on Dec 7th if I Lost My Voter ID Card?
There are many Ghanaian voters who have lost their voter ID cards and are wondering if they can vote on December 7th. Others have relaxed and decided not to vote because their voter ID card is mixed up in their belongings.
For others, they are not ready to look for the missing ID because they feel their vote is not necessary and that others will vote and make the decision for them. Some people are likely to even misplace their voter ID cards a few days or hours before the general elections.
If you are in this situation at any point in time, we have the answer to your question and challenge. Let us now answer all the questions that relate to the above issues.
Can I vote on December 7th if my voter ID card is missing?
Yes, you can vote on December 7th even if your voter ID card for voting is missing. However, if you do not have a valid voter ID card or you never registered for one, you cannot visit the polling station to claim that your voter ID card is missing. This is because there will be credible checks from both the polling station register and the verification machine to double-proof that you registered and that your name is on the polling station list to be allowed to go through the voting process.
Now you know that you can vote if you lose your voter ID card, but how do you go about it?
What to Do on Election Day If Your Voter ID Card is Missing
- Visit your polling station, where you are expected to cast your ballot.
- Join the queue until it is your turn to go through the voting formalities.
- Walk to the name reference officer. This is the EC official at the polling station who has the list of persons who are registered to vote at the polling station.
- Let the EC officer (the name reference officer) know that your voter ID card is missing but you registered at the polling station. Explain your willingness to vote despite not having your voter ID card.
- The officer will look for your name from the list.
- If your name is found, you will be directed to the verification officer, who will take steps to get you verified.
- Once you are verified, you will be allowed to go through the rest of the voting process to cast your vote.
Electoral Commission Deputy Chairman Confirms the Process
Dr. Bossman Asare, the Deputy Chairman of the Electoral Commission, has confirmed the validity of the information above. He indicated that having your voter ID card with you makes the voting process easier; however, even if your card is missing, you can still go through the laid-down processes to be verified to vote on election day.
He advised voters with missing IDs to ensure they get to the name reference officer to start the process. The name-reference officer is the first of five EC officers assigned to the polling station to oversee voting on election day. He or she has a list of voters in the polling station using the surname. It is clear that you can vote in Ghana on December 7th without your voter ID, but you must be officially on the EC voters register to do so.
Can you vote in Ghana Without Your Voter ID?
Yes, you can, but only if you are registered for the voter ID card.
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Ghanaians Go to the Polls on December 7th
On December 7th, Ghanaians will go to the polls to vote and elect a president and 275 members of parliament.
Do not let your missing voter ID card deny you the right to be part of this all-important decision-making process on December 7th. Go out and vote and be part of the democratic process. Your Lost Voters ID Card Should Not Deny You The Right To Vote In Ghana.
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Now that you have been educated, share the news and information with others so that no vote is lost because an ID card is missing.
Source: Ghana Education News | Wisdom Hammond